I'm just having fun.

I want to perform well.

My dad, he's the rocker.

I've had dreams about tricks.

I like to stay in the moment.

Trick names are so ridiculous!

Surfers have the most attitude.

You're either down or you're up.

I was a monster, a problem child.

I've got to stand up for the sport.

Generally, I'm a pretty mellow guy.

Cement doesn't give as much as snow.

Boards and myself get along somehow.

I am pretty bow-legged. It's annoying.

I've reached my goal with snowboarding.

Everywhere I go I buy new music shirts.

You have to be prepared to take a spill.

I don't know where my first gold medal is.

I'd love to compete in the Summer Olympics.

I think guitar is the best thing in the world.

It was hard to find a board my size. I was tiny.

Honestly, I feel really grateful for everything.

I was knocked out by a skateboarder when I was 11.

I totally forget about snowboarding in the summertime.

I think the way to become the best is to just have fun.

I’m a big fan of doing what you are really bad at. A lot.

I'm just going to keep dialing it in and keep practicing.

Whenever I do a deal I always have the right of approval.

Skateboarding is a way to let your body control the mind.

I can't really describe a trick as much as I just feel it.

I guess I'm an athlete now. I gotta start going to the gym.

I always tell people that our sports aren't that dangerous.

I was sponsored when I was about seven by Burton Snowboards.

I usually eat a pretty big steak the night before I compete.

I can't stay away from Chinese food. I really love that stuff.

I trip walking down the stairs, but I can skate them probably.

It's hard to just kinda get some privacy and do your own thing.

I've always been a guy who wants to play sports, not watch them.

I'd like to date, but I'm not really in a position to meet girls.

I don't think the sport is any more dangerous than it's ever been.

I have the most fun snowboarding when it's just me and my brother.

I wasn't your average kid. I was signing autographs in Japan at 12.

I've always wanted to land a 1080, it's been a beast of a burden for me.

Skateboarding is training, but I don't think of it as training. It's fun.

I didn't set out to beat the world; I just set out to do my absolute best.

Ask anyone who knows me - I am constantly moving things around in my place.

Competition pushes me to improve. If I see someone do a big trick, I try it.

I'd love to try and get a summer and winter gold medal-that would be amazing.

I just want to be the guy that inspires other kids to come do what I'm doing.

When I came back to skating, everyone was like 'Oh you're the snowboard guy.'

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