I found out I really love brutal fight scenes.

With any character I play, I gravitate to the juxtaposition and humor.

So much of life is just talk. At the end of the day, you're just serving the higher thing.

What's more awful, to me, than blood and guts is the thought of losing those who you love.

Acting is like a game of tennis. The better your opponent, the better you're going to play.

I realized that Judaism required me to give up something that meant too much to me...Bacon cheeseburgers.

Acting is a sport, like a game of tennis, and you and your opponent take turns setting the level of play.

I don't like to see a scary image because it sticks in my mind. Which is maybe why I get hired to do the scary movies because I'm truly scared and upset.

Music is so much fun because each song is like a film in itself. You get to go from beginning to end and interact and exchange energy with a live audience.

I wasn't a fan of horror movies before 'Saw,' but through these films, I have definitely become a big fan and really come to respect and appreciate the genre and the fans that support it.

I think film requires a lot more patience and concentration and each day you're keeping the entire picture in your head throughout a two to three month film shoot. Whereas TV, especially half hour, is like doing a play a week or live theater.

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