Patience to the spider

We just need some faith.

Hush, self, let me think.

Move forward with purpose

There is no magic in words.

I'll be damned, you got laid.

Holy green guacamole! (Selena)

I wasn't born, I was unleashed.

still waters run deep. ~Tabitha

St. Ash – who knew? (Gallagher)

Excuse me, scary people. (Alix)

Some kisses are worth living for

I'm not people, I only eat them.

No good deed goes unpunished- Syn

Pain doesn’t respect age, my lady.

I am a socially akward man-dork"-Nick

Don't let those people steal your day

Dev-"Come in peace or leave in pieces

Only a fool took a remote from a god.

I'm not sure I know what "normal" is.

If I hurt you, you can kill me. (Syn)

That wasn't love; that was stupidity.

Precedent goes in support of justice.

What fools these mortals be. (Acheron)

Trust the Simi. She ain't never wrong.

Death always before dishonor. (Julian)

Shut up, sod off, and let me in. (Fury)

I am a socially awkward mandork. (Nick)

Come to the dark side. We have cookies.

Relax, the bad guys don’t knock. (Romeo)

A pox on both his testicles! (Esperetta)

Man, he deserves a hero cookie. (Selena)

I am not a god of forgiveness. (Acheron)

You freaking, flippin’, moronic frat boy!

In the end, life makes victims of us all.

Did you get hungry and eat my colleagues?

A Court of equity knows its own province.

I found my happy place the minute I saw you

Ooo, he’s snotty. I like him already. (Tee)

I’d rather be vindictive than smart. (Solin)

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Don't be cocky, 'Pride cometh before the fall

Here I am! Now what are your other two wishes

Sometimes dead wasn’t dead enough.’ – Sundown

Fury snorted. "You're the leader, Vane. Lead.

You are the Energizer Bunny for badasses. -Ash

Modus in rebus there must be an end of things.

There is some pain that nothing heals" [Zarek}

Trust is always a good idea. For someone else.

Life before toilet paper was not worth living.

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