Chivalry is dead.

I'm so not perfect.

I'm really domestic.

I'm the black sheep.

I'm full of curiosity.

I'm not high maintenance.

I want a big church wedding.

I'm stupidly proud of myself.

I'm not about hair and makeup.

I definitely have been foolish.

I've had some real hair disasters.

I really want bubbies - I always have.

I love my job, I've always loved my job.

I was blinded by being a romantic person.

I bite the skin on the side of my fingernails.

I'm free-spirited, and it gets me into trouble.

I don't know, monogamy is a weird thing for me.

I'm not averse to being in big commercial films.

I don't go to a gym. I find that really hard to do.

I think I underestimated the way people bracket you.

I sometimes get very protective of the people I play.

I don't think we live in a particularly equal society.

I'm really not good at dressing up and being glamorous.

I half-punched a paparazzo once. I've hit a few people.

I've always kind of done exactly what my instincts said.

I quite love sequins; I think it's the drag queen in me.

As I get older I'm more and more comfortable being alone.

I don't lead a particularly exciting life away from work.

I'm no longer interested in being in big commercial films.

I've actually never been taken on a date in my whole life.

I find all that slightly destructive but mad love alluring.

I need my food to keep my energy up, so I can't really diet.

I have the same group of friends I've had since I was three.

I think all humans are essentially proud and I certainly am.

I went to an all-girls boarding school for most of my youth.

I'm not coping very well with all the attention, if I'm honest.

I'm supposed to be this complete slapper, that's my reputation.

I just want to work, and learn from people I respect and admire.

I'm lucky I have good metabolism and I'm very grateful for that.

People on the edge of love go with their heart and not their head.

I feel very blessed. I have had, and am having, such a lovely life.

When you have your heart broken for the first time, you gain depth.

I'm English, definitely. I don't feel like I'm American in any way.

I experienced the judgement of a lot of people - and deservedly so.

I like being able to walk into an old town and find good local food.

I think the media has changed, not just in England but in the world.

Human nature is such that monogamy is a really hard thing to achieve.

It's judgement day. I'm nervous. My films are finally being released!

Everyone I've worked with on any film will say I'm the hardest worker.

I probably seem like not a particularly nice person, not a girl's girl.

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