I've always been a shy person.

I love con-men characters in film.

I do have a lot of Australian friends.

I don't like fancy fiddly girlie stuff.

My kids think I'm old and over the hill.

I need some challenges in love or I'm bored.

My life is pretty hectic, but I'm really into it.

L.A.'s a better place to live than it is to visit.

As a kid I was always a bit of a clown, a performer.

French are what they are without excusing themselves to be.

Time goes a lot quicker when the work is a lot more enjoyable.

I think my kids are pretty well-rounded citizens of the world.

A shot is only as every as good as how well it tells the story.

I was a pretty confident kid, even if it was all false bravado.

I cut my own hair most of the time. You just do it all by feel.

I do like comic book movies, but only the ones that I read as a kid.

I think most people can identify with the hierarchy of the workplace.

In general, the problem in a relationship is when the couple stagnate.

In network TV, you have to present the box before you can step outside it.

If you can't be proud of what you do, go and sell shoes. Do something else.

I am very straight-forward and direct. If I disagree with something, I say something about it.

It's always difficult when you're on a show that goes for more than a year or a couple of years.

The rich get richer and the poor get the picture. I think this Occupy Wall Street thing is great.

I try to be straightforward and honest with my kids, and I believe nothing beats good old hard work.

Every TV show is a crapshoot, really. But every once in a while, a show gets anointed as 'the show.'

I like putting my money into things like food and shelter. I'm probably a bad example of an investor.

I'm pretty good at gardening. It consumes my time, and it feels like I'm doing something constructive.

I don't like the idea of talking down to kids. I think I was talked down to, and you rebel against that.

The French have the reputation of being arrogant. I don't think it's arrogance but a certain authenticity.

I would love to do a rom-com, but they are not good - good and successful doesn't equate to the same thing.

I don't use deodorant. If you drink enough water, you shouldn't have to. I think I smell pretty good without it.

I'm a big fan of Alan J. Pakula's films like 'All the President's Men', 'The Parallax View,' and 'Klute.' I'm a big fan of those movies.

I think this Occupy Wall Street thing is great. I think that is a good thing and that people need to stand up, voice their opinions, and be heard.

I've always been really drawn to that kind of sexual earthiness in European women, and Sophia Loren covered all the bases, including the whole mummy fantasy.

I'm not immune to the charms of the female form. And when I was 17 and I spent every spare minute surfing, most of the girls we hung out with would be topless.

When I have to play the same role every day, I have the flexibility to play the character in so many different ways. It's almost like playing five different roles.

The first guy I really liked and was kind of obsessed with and had to seek out and find more of his films was Jean-Paul Belmondo. He was the main guy that I was obsessed with.

For an actor working in television or film, I think it's important to understand how the medium works - how the camera and lenses work and how the sound and the editing works.

I was probably not the first to lose my virginity among my friends. I was definitely one of the last ones to reach puberty - I didn't grow until the last couple years of high school.

I didn't grow up with money, but I grew up with a lot of space. All I did was surf. I was committed to the ocean. That's one thing about Australians; we have the capacity to embrace life.

Sometimes the intensity and the grind of doing television can wear you down, but at the same time there's something about the repetition, the sheer mass of work that you do that's also liberating.

People talk about random acts of kindness, and that goes back to the measure of being gentlemanly again. It's about having consideration for others, and not expecting anything back. That's the difference.

There's more of a family connection when you're working on a TV show. That's not to say that you don't make great connections when you're working on films, but it's different unless you're there working every day.

I've seen the odd tarot reader and had my palm read in various countries and explained to me in many strains of broken English. Did I believe a word? To be honest, I didn't understand much, but I loved watching the presentation.

Well, capitalism is going to grow and grow. The nature of it is that the guy who has the most poker chips on the table has more leverage than everyone else. He can eventually outbluff everyone else and outraise everyone else at the table. That's what has happened and it needs to be corrected.

I made a point to not read too far ahead with the first six or seven episodes of any show. I would read the outlines, but I didn't really want to read scripts too far in advance because I didn't really want to get ahead of myself, at all. To be honest, I don't have the time to come up with theories.

I grew up surfing on the north coast of New South Wales, and on most of the beaches, women never wore tops. When we were 10 or 11, me and my mates couldn't drive, so they'd take us surfing and then sit on the beach topless and read a book. I don't know if I quite saw them sexually, but there was physical intrigue.

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