Beyonce's like my secret mother.

Grey is one of my favorite colors.

I've always wanted to design clothes.

I definitely feel confidence with more height!

I have a really positive mindset about everything.

I'm someone who has a voice, and shares my opinion.

Seafood is my favorite and I couldn't live without it!

I've been practicing ballet since I was three years old.

Even though I'm young, I really try to do the right thing.

It took me so long to find the perfection foundation shade.

I'm against bullying, I hate it because I've dealt with it.

Trump doesn't define my destiny, only I do and the Lord above.

I'm a big fan of Michelle Obama. She's such a positive person.

One of my favorite go-to outfits would be a denim on denim look!

Never tweet while you're angry; you'll probably regret it later.

Sometimes you need that time away to disconnect from social media.

Because I'm so young, it's really important to me to speak my mind.

I would say if you're getting hate on social media, just don't reply.

I always want to do things in my career that would make people proud.

I'm not exposing anything thats private - that's one thing I won't do.

The most detailed part of my beauty routine would have to be the eyes.

I've very into grays and neutrals. They match with basically everything.

I definitely pick and choose what I put out and what I want people to know.

It's incredible to see fashion starting to become more inclusive and diverse.

I definitely want to do other things outside of acting like producing, directing.

I really wish women of color would come together more and stand up for each other.

If you don't know what you're passionate about, it's always fun to try new things.

I remember when I was like 9, 10, 11 going into stores and saying, 'Wow! I wish I had this.'

I think being a kid is a wonderful thing, and I don't want to speed up that process any more.

Debby Ryan is fantastic, I love to have her. She's a great person and she has good acting skills.

To complete my look, I like to add fun accessories such as a dainty necklace, bracelets and a ring.

When I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed, I take a break from my phone and social media to regroup.

There should be consequences that happen when you say things about people, especially racist things.

I never thought in a million years that I would be called a role model for girls and even boys, too.

Social media can really just be a terrible thing sometimes, and people don't really understand that.

I love to have a very bright center of my face. I learned that on 'Jessie'... it looks great on camera.

If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be king crab legs, salad and some chicken.

If I had only 60 seconds, I would pack some clothes, my phone, charger, toothbrush, head scarf, and shoes.

I mean, if someone wants to buy a dog that's their business, but I would definitely say adopt, don't shop.

People like to get bold behind a computer or an iPhone, and say whatever they want. I don't stand for that.

Scary movies are one of my favorite movies to watch and I've loved scary movies since I was like three years old.

I don't really wear a lot of makeup, but when I do, I love to put on the Benetint Blush. It's very pretty and pink.

I don't know what's in the Carmex, but it's super-moisturizing. It's almost like Vaseline, but not sticky that way.

I have a great sense of humor, I mean even when my meme came out I reposted it. I didn't care. I was laughing, too!

All kids should be able to have healthy food to eat and should not have to worry about when their next meal will be.

My friends are my everything. When I feel that anxiety, I always call them or text them and they talk me through it.

I don't like how social media allows people to be so mean and say really hurtful, negative things. It's just not cool.

If I had to direct or produce a show, it would be about a young Black girl who is a superhero and helps save the world.

I've even become kind of well-known for taking on some bullies online. One of the most notable is the pop star Azealia Banks.

Fashion is about trying out new things and having fun, and me and my stylist, Zadrian Smith, are going to keep doing just that.

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