I think, for me, the main thing is feeling comfortable.

I'm quite a simple person really; I love pottering about, walking and swimming.

I dream about my teeth, losing a tooth, which I think means that you want control back.

We all have the same core emotions of love, jealousy, rage - it's just how they're expressed.

Whenever I've worn trousers or a suit, it always makes me feel sexy but effortless and confident.

As a kid I wanted to be a vet; I wanted to be an architect. I was and still am such a little geek.

I love the English people - if you don't want to speak, you don't speak. And I'm quite like that sometimes.

I love the English people - if you don't want to speak, you don't speak. And I'm quite like that sometimes, too.

The times you have off are equally as important as the times you're working. You need to rebuild, fill up again.

I feel like acting's a really good excuse because I just get to pretend to do everything and then back out if I don't like it.

If you're not learning as a human, growing as a human, you can't grow as an actor. You're just churning things you've already thought.

Sometimes relationships are short, sometimes long, sometimes they're very deep and intense, and drama school is a hell of a learning curve.

Mark Strong is an amazing person. I just kind of enjoyed watching him. He is just so calm, dedicated, professional, and an absolute gent as well.

I love proving myself wrong. A lot of actors lack confidence - even if you're doing really well, you kind of feel like this might be your last job.

I was really sporty and loved singing. I started off doing musical theater. I left university to go to drama school. So I was a bit of a black sheep.

I think I've always enjoyed a challenge and I like being pushed and I like being stretched to the absolute limit. I think a lot of actors are like this.

My approach to jewelry has always been to keep it very simple, but if you want to wear something, make sure it is exquisite and lovely and will stand out.

I love reading and learning. With acting, I get to put all that into my work and still get to do my homework and imagine I can do all these different jobs.

In the next five years, I'd absolutely love to do theater. I went to drama school and that's where the focus lies. I'd definitely like to do that before the fear sets in.

We studied so much Shakespeare in drama school and I'd like to go back to that. I'd really throw myself into something that would probably petrify me. Tennessee Williams. Something juicy.

There is something very nice about coming to New York and how everyone smiles - even if they don't mean it. When I go back home to London and say hello to people, they look at me like I'm crazy.

But there is something very nice about coming to New York and how everyone smiles - even if they don't mean it. When I go back home to London and say hello to people, they look at me like I'm crazy.

I feel like with a movie you know your whole journey, and even though little minutiae might change, you're able to get a better idea of where you're going, whereas TV is engaging a different side of your brain.

I've always loved rummaging through my mum's wardrobe and finding classic pieces. I went through a phase where I rejected anything that was vaguely up-styled in any way and I just lived in a baggy jumper for a bit.

Christine Keeler was not allowed a voice. There were so many men who were imposing their views and opinions onto her and they decided who she was. Christine never had the opportunity to truly give her side of the story.

I think it's very easy when you're a young actor starting out to just let everything unfold around you - you're not that clued up or confident, so you don't have the same opinions as you do when you're more experienced.

I was at Edinburgh doing history of art, Spanish and Arabic. I was originally supposed to do Italian instead of Arabic but when I went to see one of the lecturers they told me I should really do something more curveball. So I did.

Evening, I've just got myself some really nice black suede boots and big black leather Acne jacket. So oversized jacket, skinny jeans, and boots is always a get up and go evening outfit. Just black is always good. You can't go wrong.

It's been a long time since I've done any karaoke. Probably, I actually think 'Living On a Prayer' was the last one I've done, which I'm quite embarrassed to admit, screaming it at the top of my lungs. I prefer being the one watching and egging people on.

Calling this 'The Trial Of Christine Keeler' is clever because it's a re-examination of Christine's life and the trials and tribulations that she went through including the court trial. We as a society are so quick to judge, and no one has been judged quite as much as she has.

I used to be terrified of a particular film - I can't remember what it was called. It was set in a forest, and there was lots of oil coming from trees. And someone fell, and ever since then... Oh, and I also dream about my teeth, losing a tooth, which I think means that you want control back.

I used to think that the times when you don't work, you should be anxious and constantly by the phone and putting so much pressure on yourself, but I've really learned that all the experiences we have you can bring into the next job. So it's making sure your brain and body are being stimulated so you can bring something new to the next role.

I really feel our job as actors is to find a human experience in the character. So, for me, genre comes second; it's about script and the emotional journey of that character. Genre definitely has an impact, but it has more of an impact on the way the character is expressed. We all have the same core emotions of love, jealousy, rage - it's just how they're expressed.

A lot of actors lack confidence - even if you're doing really well, you kind of feel like this might be your last job. I enjoy the feeling of, "Maybe I've bitten off more than I can chew," and then working really, really hard and thinking, "Wow, I like that. I did that." Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person who jumps out of planes and enjoys bungee jumping or anything like that, but I definitely enjoy living quite spontaneously and going with the wind.

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