I have a hard time sometimes watching my own work.

My biggest thing to say is just don't worry about money.

Things aren't always easy, but you just have to keep going and don't let the small stuff bog you down.

When I left New York, not a lot of shows were happening there, but 'Golden Boy' is such a New York show.

I like working one-on-one with someone, and I think that to go to a school of acting isn't really my thing.

I like working one-on-one with someone, and I think that to go to a school of acting isn’t really my thing.

I am constantly playing younger. I have a baby face. I'm only five-foot-one, so I am used to playing younger. I love it.

It’s a nice challenge to escape your reality. I think that’s why actors do what we do. We like to play other people. It’s therapeutic.

It's a nice challenge to escape your reality. I think that's why actors do what we do. We like to play other people. It's therapeutic.

Good sci-fi and fantasy use fantastical situations to represent real-life issues. It really is all a metaphor for what we all go through as humans.

So much in TV today, you don't get to feel empathetic for the villain. The villains are the villains and the heroes are the heroes. It's very black and white.

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