Negativity sells.

I am a boxing fan.

I'm allergic to losing.

I climbed up this business.

You can't score if you can't run.

I am a native of Hollis, Queens, N.Y.

The Dallas Cowboys are in big trouble.

There are many dimensions to Stephen A.

I can't stand lying. I can't stand liars.

I pride myself on respecting my colleagues.

If I'm hated, so what? If I'm loved, so what?

No one tells me what to think. I think for me.

If I'm wrong, I'm man enough to say I'm wrong.

I was the youngest of six, with four older sisters.

I love dudes who are about winning and that is Kobe Bryant !

I think the @Colts should be the #1 team in the power rankings.

I know what I know, and what I don't know, I'm willing to admit.

My father is from the West Indies, the St. Thomas Virgin Islands.

I've watched presidential debates since I was a teen, and I love it.

I have opinions that are based on the facts that are presented to me.

You don't buy chemistry, nor do you manufacture it, it is what it is.

I care about how I look, but I don't care about the fashion industry.

I work in a public forum, and all I can do is say what I honestly feel.

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade don't just beat you, they snatch your heart.

I've been on MSNBC and CNN and Fox News. Not just Fox News, not just CNN.

LeBron James has cemented himself as one of the GREAT PLAYERS of ALL TIME.

If the show sucks, I ain't happy. If the show is damn good, I'm very happy.

Radio affords you the opportunity to pontificate and elaborate extensively.

There is nothing worse than being mediocre at a whole bunch of different things.

My first newspaper job was a high school reporter for the 'New York Daily News.'

Don't fake what you feel. I've never been about that. I never will be about that.

Let me be clear: Despite his flaws, I respect Andy Reid as a coach and as a person.

There's nothing about Tony Romo that deserves to be associated with America's Team.

It bothers me when nobody is criticizing me, because then I am not doing something.

I'm associated with Walt Disney, but dammit, everybody knows that I'm a bottom feeder.

I don't consider myself just a black man. I consider myself a brotha. I love my people.

I'm no liar. I could have been wrong, but I ended up not being [wrong]. But I'm no liar.

A season is not made in a week or two any more than a stellar game epitomizes greatness.

If you are in the world of business, that means you are in the business of making money.

Right now if you ask me Carmelo Anthony is GONE. He's going to L.A. to play w/Kobe Bryant.

The truth hurts sometimes, particularly when it involves someone at a low point in their life.

You want to be recognized for being popular but you also want to be recognized for being great.

You have haters from all walks of life. I could care less who wants me to fail. They inspire me.

Nick Young embarrassed himself. Carlos Boozer embarassed himself. Jordan Hill embarrassed himself.

You don't have the right to hold somebody accountable for standards you refuse to apply to yourself.

Yes, I'm a personality. I accept that. O.K.? I understand it. But I'm a personality with credentials.

If something touches on the world of sports, ESPN has never told me that I cannot discuss a sports-related matter.

If no one hears you, and no one listens to you, it doesn't matter how good you are because no one cares about you.

No one on the planet Earth is going to be able to look at me on television and say that I'm a liar. It will not happen.

I can't stand people who look into the camera and look into the eyes of millions of people and wax political correctness.

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