I'm not really into tactics.

Flexibility isn't a bad thing.

I don't go into management to be liked.

Nobody wants to lose to bloody Rochdale.

I am a Newcastle fan like everyone knows.

I believe in what I do on the training ground.

To manage your country, there's no bigger job.

I analyse performances on the pitch rather than any warm-up.

They've kicked our backsides, we've got to lick our wounds...

What people resent, in sport, is if you go out with a whimper.

I'm a Newcastle lad, so to be manager is every Geordie's dream.

Any club at the top needs stability, guidance and deep pockets.

When you're taking on a Sean Dyche team, you know what's coming.

Geordies get up every day, they go to work, they put a shift in.

I've said it for a long time that Aston Villa is a special club.

If you manage Newcastle, you have to deal with the consequences.

I've got the utmost respect for Mauricio Pochettino at Tottenham.

My record is good with Birmingham and Wigan. Just study the facts.

Any Englishman would be extremely proud to be the England manager.

Whether I'm 'head coach' or 'manager,' it doesn't bother me at all.

This country always wants the underdog to win, that's in our nature.

Alan Shearer is a friend of mine and he is entitled to his opinions.

The only way you can respond to anything in football is through results.

I think we are all frightened a little bit when a new broom starts to sweep.

I accept I am not everyone's cup of tea, but judge me over a period of time.

No disrespect to the country. It's a wonderful place, the where's he gone again?

I want to entertain, I want Newcastle United that is the best it can possibly be.

You have to be as truthful as you possibly can. That's always been my philosophy.

I think in management, if you lose the drive to succeed you may as well not be in it.

I'm delighted and incredibly proud to be appointed as head coach of Newcastle United.

Not many managers have been in charge for as many games as I have, that should tell you something.

It's not always about money, we got Hull promoted with a collection of loans and waifs and strays.

If Mauricio Pochettino can get the sack, then we all can because he did a wonderful job at Tottenham.

That's what the Premier League is, that will never change. There will be periods when you're up and down.

At Sunderland I balanced the books and managed them to this position of 10th and 13th. My record stacks up.

My parents were a huge inspiration to me and a massive part of my life and everything that I have achieved.

I've never been involved with anyone who's set out to hurt people, to break legs. It is a bit of a dying art

Jurgen Klopp coming into this country, you just have to applaud him for his tactics and the way Liverpool play.

We can all take criticism as long as it's constructive. When it's complete lies, that's when it's disappointing.

For any Geordie, if you can't manage to play for Newcastle, then to get back and manage them it's something special.

I was never blessed with any real ability but I loved the game and made up for anything I lacked with sheer hard work.

If there is one thing that runs through all Geordies, from grandmas to small children, it is a love of Newcastle United.

One of the most enjoyable parts of the job is seeing a young fella who you give a debut to or you buy and see them progress.

The one thing that's easy to do is go and sign players. What you've got to try and do is try and improve them, and get better.

As a player I had some good times but people forget I had a lot of hard times to get there; seven years in the lower divisions.

Coming to manage Newcastle was never going to be easy. But there was never a side to me that thought, 'Oh no, I do not want that.'

Only those who have lost their parents will know what it is like. It is horrific, it is hard and it breaks your heart, it really does.

No one hates someone spitting at someone more than I do and it is frowned upon in our country. It is a horrible, horrible thing to do.

Management, whether you're managing in the lower division or you're right at the top, is about getting the best out of what you've got.

I know what it means to the supporters of Newcastle to try and win something and realistically, the cup competitions are our best route.

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