I taught myself HTML.

Steve Jobs was my hero.

Go to the moon, that's my dream.

Go to the moon - that's my dream.

I love photography. I love rockets.

I can't invest in areas of comfort.

No politician has a 50-year horizon.

Being slick is not the right answer.

Elon Musk is a remarkable individual.

Without disruptions, startups can't survive.

Personally, I do not look at IPOs for an exit.

Firms that claim domain focus are late movers.

I started programming Apples in seventh grade.

We only invest in businesses that reduce labor.

Eventually, all cars are going to be autonomous.

SpaceX lowered the cost of going into space by 10x.

I don't really care what the venture industry thinks.

Venture capital is a dynamic and people-driven business.

The closer you are to technology, the more you trust it.

In chemicals, Synthetic Genomics is one of my real loves.

A big part of green tech will be organisms that eat waste.

You've got to close deals quickly, or else you'll miss out.

Lots of deals happen in situations that aren't 'pure work.'

Before SpaceX, no space company was worth a second meeting.

We're impressed by people who don't know what can't be done.

Hotmail grew its base faster than any company I can think of.

By day, I'm a venture capitalist. On weekends, I love rockets.

There are many good ideas out there that never get an audience.

The commercial space industry is enormous and ripe for disruption.

Something new will always be the source of growth in Silicon Valley.

When burned on a CD, the human genome is smaller than Microsoft Office.

We believe strongly that all meaningful change comes from entrepreneurs.

Because of the rate of technology change, forecast horizons are shrinking.

Rockets often spiral out of control if you put too much propellant in them.

Steve Jobs now rests with the sublime satisfaction of symbolic immortality.

There is nothing like visiting a facility to get a sense of how companies work.

There is no correlation between a weak IPO market and an impact on early-stage VCs.

Charging a fee for an online service is a good way to lose 90 percent of your customers.

Corporate houses and big companies can be meaningful distribution channels for start-ups.

I don't want to be a driving machine on my daily commute; I want to be driven by a machine.

Putting seven people in orbit should not cost more than flying a commercial jet around earth.

Biotech 1.0 is slow, like a lab science, and Version 2.0 is more like computational sciences.

There was a time and a place when a pure content start-up had a chance, and that time has passed.

I've always been a fan of space exploration, and I filled our entire office with space artifacts.

The short version is I'm just a total Apple fanboy. I started programming Apples in seventh grade.

We definitely stand behind Theranos in the sense of, we are an investor, and we want them to succeed.

Generally speaking, if you control matter more precisely, you can get more efficiency out of any process.

Back when I was a student, I had Steve Jobs over to my house for a fireside chat with the GSB High Tech Club.

If there isn't a business logic to get to marketability, the chance of an idea's importance in the world is very low.

Elon Musk is an incredible leader and entrepreneur. I have known him since 1995 when he first came to Silicon Valley.

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