I'm theater trained.

I'm not a leading guy.

Film is a strange thing.

I gravitate to ensemble comedy.

The werewolf film is a strange thing.

I lived in Minnesota in a small town.

I'm not a sci-fi kind of guy, to be honest.

I always gravitate toward the humor in something.

I'm a good dad; I spend a lot of time with my kids.

I've never watched an episode of 'Star Trek.' For real.

I've done flowers and kicked myself. Flowers are so lame.

I like to fish. I'm an outdoorsman. I love to hunt and fish.

Most people laugh at situations rather than a tagline anyway.

I've done movies where they didn't have enough money to have trailers.

I just planted the family vegetables yesterday. You name it, I grow it.

When I was younger, you get pigeonholed in parts, which is understandable.

I met my wife in 1990 when I was on the national tour of 'Bye, Bye Birdie.'

I think, a lot of times in a big city, you're working even when you're not.

I'm always attracted to the vulnerable character more than I am the superhero.

I don't care if you've just won an Oscar, you still have to campaign for parts.

I love 'Shattered Glass.' It's one of my favorite movies. I think it's just brilliant.

What's hard in movies is to have a consistent tone throughout a movie. Whatever that is.

My parents were reasoned and deep thinkers. My dad is an intellectual and a literary man.

I feed horses and goats and sheep all day and, once in a while, come and talk about movies.

I love Toronto, I have spent a lot of time up there working. There's a lot of stuff going on there.

I never expect anything; I just go make a movie. I do the best I can, and whatever happens, happens.

I still really love acting. I find it really challenging. And I really love film; it's a lot of fun.

Let me tell you something, planes and kids... I've got a 3 and 1 year old, I don't wish that on anybody.

I remember seeing 'Les Miserables' with the original cast - this was in '87 - and I was blown away by it.

I'm huge on spring and summer gardening. I'm really proud of my perennial beds. That's a passion of mine.

It goes all the way back to 'Psycho.' Movies with twists like that are memorable because they're so simple.

I remember seeing my sister in a play when I was very young, and I remember telling my folks, 'I want to do that.'

Andy Serkis is one of the best actors I have ever worked with. He might be the best actor I have ever worked with.

I look at it like, I'm just a character actor. If I get cast as the stoned sidekick, fine. But I just want to act.

I was going to be a Marine before I was going to be an actor. I was really serious about joining the Marine Corps.

Any director who's also acted understands the fact that every person has a different process and has to be approached differently.

My sister gave me a big bucket of Cool Whip. Isn't that awesome? For two weeks I basically watched Emergency! and ate cool whip with a spoon.

PlayStation 3 is another form of meditation. Come on, when you're on set, all day? That's what I do in my trailer, I just play PlayStation 3.

You have to make something good. Just because all the hot actors show up and the money is there and the explosives are ready, it doesn't matter.

You still really fight for good parts. It never stops. It's never a breeze. The people at the top of their game work as hard as the people at the bottom.

I love 'Safe Men.' Now it's getting all this culty kind of - it just came out on DVD. That was awesome. I read that script, I never laughed so hard in my life.

I moved to New York to do theater, and I got cast in a play that was funny, and then I was the funny guy. I did a movie that was funny, and then I was the funny guy.

I've had more people come up to me about 'Saving Silverman' than anything else. That and 'That Thing You Do!' But 'Saving Silverman' is the one I get most often. And I love that.

You work with stand-up comedians or you work with somebody in theater, you work with somebody from Star Search or Survivor or a kid, it constantly changes how you play with people.

You work with stand-up comedians or you work with somebody in theater, you work with somebody from 'Star Search' or 'Survivor' or a kid, it constantly changes how you play with people.

I'm convinced women actually think they can read minds. Like when a woman goes, "I can tell you don't want to hang out with me today." And you're like, "What are you talking about? I actually do!"

I never wanted the business to dictate my life. I'm sure I've sacrificed and missed out on a lot of stuff, but I don't know what that stuff is, so I just raised kids, and I wanted to be around for that.

I have raised beds, perennial beds, cut flower beds. I have an island on a pond that's just covered in peonies. I have an herb garden, tons of vegetables, raspberries. I have everything. I'm a green guy.

My dad was the chaplain at Mankato State University, and my mom worked in the bookstore. We lived just off-campus. Then we moved to the suburbs of Minneapolis, to New Hope, which is where I went to high school.

I love general history. That's all I read really. I don't read novels, I read history. I love it. I live in an area that's really rich in Civil War history. I live in Kentucky on a farm. A lot of revolution, a lot of military history I love.

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