Next? Growing up to be Clint Eastwood, I hope.

People got very wimpy about 'Scarface' very quickly.

I'd like to make movies as a producer and a director.

People recite lines to me all the time, anywhere I get recognized.

Ill be playing a priest in Chavez Cage Of Glory, which is a fight movie.

I'll be playing a priest in 'Chavez Cage Of Glory,' which is a fight movie.

I have turned down playing the most despicable people on Earth. I turn it down all the time.

'Ray Donovan' is such a revelation to everybody who's working on it, and it's only getting better.

'Scarface' was a tremendous undertaking, and I'm one of those who really feel that no one could have done it like Brian De Palma.

Much has been written about the loyalty of dogs, but what I love about them isn't their devotion to me so much as their devotion to being alive.

I think there is sort of a general universal perception of me or someone who looks like me, as someone who is kind of menacing, dark or mysterious.

I think there is sort of a general universal perception of me, or someone who looks like me, as someone who is kind of menacing, dark or mysterious.

I've learned not to attach personal feelings to critics who review your work. It's their opinions, their perceptions - it's a very subjective thing, and you can be hurt.

I'm actually Cuban-born, born in 1956, the year Fidel Castro came into power, and my father moved my family to Miami a few years later when things were starting to look bad.

I think the whole DVD craze has provided opportunities for material that, for those interested in it, explains the whole history and background in getting a film made, which is great.

Fortunately, I'm very healthy, and my body is still intact. It hasn't aged very much, I feel like a very young 56. I exercise regularly, and when I do, I always learn new things about my body.

If you look at 1983, the film of the year was 'Terms of Endearment.' 'Scarface' was lumped in under the gratuitously violent banner. I mean, we knew it was violent, that it depicted a violent time and place. But it wasn't the end-all of the thing.

I am devoting some time to music. I'm finding a balance in my life right now so that when I'm not acting I'm really working on the music side of things... producing and writing and recording and also getting to do some live shows. It's a really exciting thing.

I really do like the independent way of working. You don't get much studio intrusion compared to when you're working on a big Hollywood film where there tends to always be loads of people interfering. The only problem, though, with independent features is that they are hard to sell.

I'm very fond of the British cinema. I'm a big fan of Martin Campbell and Daniel Craig. I actually find Daniel very inspirational, especially on the physical side of things. He really inspired me to get back into shape when I started to add on a few pounds. I think he's a great role model.

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