President Obama... is a wimp.

God bless America, God bless the troops.

Joy Behar... Is never even funny accidentally.

Folks, it's okay to find flamboyant homosexuality funny.

I consider myself to be a man with my priorities in order.

All of my videos, everything I upload is short and edited.

When it comes to efficiency, standardized tests almost sound heaven-sent.

More often than not, people who are poor... are right where they should be.

I'm a pansy when compared to the men and women of the United States military.

Essentially, Robin Hood put a smackdown on the medieval equivalent of the IRS.

Preaching Christian salvation is to preach moral absolutes. Hollywood no likey.

If you want to practice Islam in the inconsequential, semi-secular sense, fine.

Comparing President Obama with the great leaders who have come before him is painful.

Your wedding can be the most memorable day and night of your life... or just another party.

My name is Steven Crowder, and I happen to find blatant gayness funny. I mean really funny.

If appeasing other nations means that we need to begin acting like them, you can count me out.

Death is not only a passing on but a time for everyone else to truthfully reflect on one's life.

Listen, one doesn't need to be religious (nor a rocket scientist) to see the value of abstinence.

Every manly icon the West has ever admired has embodied the very spirit of American independence.

I know everybody says that their bride was the 'most beautiful in the world.' They're wrong. I win.

Real or not, when a person denies God, they often try and fill that higher power void with something else.

The topic of Sarah Palin has been open season to the media, entertainment industry, and club comics alike.

When it comes to the liberal agenda, it's more important to pigeonhole people than it is to speak the truth.

It would almost seem that - dare I say this - private transportation is more efficient than mass public-transit!

All I'm saying is that I rarely find myself pointing to Sean Penn's love life thinking, 'I want to be like that.'

Liberals don't believe in the ultimate concept of self-reliance, which is why they look to the government for stability.

One of my goals in life is to watch political correctness shrivel up and die (as it should be for any true conservative).

Whether you're young old, male, female, marriage (when done correctly) will make your life - and this country - better off.

Is discipline (both mental and physical) in place of coddling truly child abuse? I don't know, but it sure as hell is effective.

Have you ever noticed how hell-bent liberals are at making the United States seem inferior to other countries... to any country?

You can be a namby-pamby leftie, a gun-toting neo-con, or a soft, indecisive moderate. I really don't care. Just don't lie to me.

As someone who comes from a family of lifers (along with my wife), I just want to say, flat out... Marriage is a really good deal.

Looking back, when I was fourteen, I aspired to... be the best believer, husband, father, businessman, and man of integrity that I can be.

Religious extremism. We hear about it all the time. We see it all the time. Heck, most of us are just sick of talking about it all the time.

The message bombarding young adults from the leftist cultural elite is clear; you should think for yourself... by adopting my beliefs as your own.

For people who seem so hell-bent on multiculturalism, why can't liberals understand that free enterprise/freedom is a part of the American Culture?

How can the country that created electricity, the light bulb, modern cinema as we know it, and the Oscar Meyer Weenie Whistle not be purely awesome?

I still can't decide which is silliest; a person believing in a God who 'isn't there,' or a person offended by a God whom he doesn't believe exists.

Everybody has an angle. The only time I say no to an interview is when someone says they don't have an angle. I know right away that that's not honest.

North Korea is really just the kid who decided he'd be 'all out crazy,' hoping people would be scared off by the tirades and avoid stepping up to the plate.

A four-year-old should have no self-esteem, and for good reason. What could he have possibly accomplished in his life to justify esteeming oneself so highly?

I guess as far as leftists are concerned, the United States can't qualify as a 'cultured society' simply because we've actually created a society that works.

The painful truth is that in its attempt to remain 'morally neutral,' Hollywood is causing us to raise a nation of cads and harlots... Thanks again, Sean Penn!

Call me old-fashioned, but it's always been my firm belief that a teacher's job should be for each of his or her students to finish the year with a grade of 100%.

We had a severely autistic kid in my class, and I was always picked last in gym class, even after him. Naturally, that made me feel pretty bad as an eight-year-old.

I'm not saying Michael Moore's smarter than Sean Hannity, but Michael Moore is better at running interviews than Hannity, even though Hannity's running the interview!

I'm guessing that ability to withstand peer pressure and adhere to one's values might translate to the kind of backbone necessary for a successful lifelong relationship.

In an increasingly complex world, with courseloads becoming heavier and heavier, shouldn't we be opting for more accountability when it comes to our professors, not less?

For years, young adults have adopted extremely liberal world views in their attempts to be different, ultimately failing to see the irony that they've all become the same.

I think that if every Christian acted like Christ, the world would be a better place. If every Muslim acted like Muhammad, according to modern law, they would have to be jailed.

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