You are a work of art.

We Hate William and Kate

America is not the world.

I hated the royal wedding.

Robert Smith is a whingebag.

I don't perform. Seals perform.

Rush to danger; wind up nowhere.

I'd love to...but only with you.

I'm not very good at being dull.

I find Christmas very difficult.

Now I know how Joan of Arc felt.

I lie a lot - it's really useful.

The heart has a heart of its own.

Humans are not really very humane.

The Queen is the ultimate dictator.

It's so shameful of me: I like you.

You are bound to pick up influences.

Life is very long, when you're lonely.

I'm cursed with the gift of foresight.

Nature is a language - can't you read?

I still prefer horses to human beings.

I don't even know if I exist offstage.

I'd rather produce art than become art.

It takes strength to be gentle and kind.

It's always nice to receive a compliment.

Life's full of tricky snakes and ladders.

Well, I am an extremely beautiful person.

There is no such thing in life as normal.

I don't dream about anyone - except myself

I find shoes difficult to be ethical about.

I still don't belong to anyone - I am mine.

The Cure: A new dimension of the word 'crap'.

I always seem to be singing against the grain.

We hate it when our friends become successful.

Sometimes I wish I was just a simple drunkard.

It's so tedious that everyone must be defined.

Boot the grime of this world in the crotch dear.

I am hated for loving. I am haunted for wanting.

I don't iron anything. Never have and never will.

Again, I lay awake, and I cried because of waste.

Most people keep their brains between their legs.

I can get incredibly erotic about blotting paper.

I see myself rather like an old discarded dishrag.

Everyday is like Sunday Everyday is silent and grey

I was wasting my life, always thinking about myself.

It was probably nothing, but it felt like the world.

Whenever I go past McDonalds I get very, very angry.

Smiths songs certainly have an astonishing afterlife.

I am attracted to humans. But, of course... not many.

I'm just happy being dumpy. Dumpy, fat and middle-aged.

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