Work smart. Get things done.

My kids know I'm home every night for dinner.

Work smart. Get things done. No nonsense. Move fast.

People don't understand the logistics of advertising.

I have had a lot of setbacks that I have learned from.

I think video advertising is a hugely compelling medium.

Engineering is a jeans and hoodie culture, and sales is more formal.

Mobile is an incredibly fast-growing market and will continue to be.

After my kids go to bed, I check email. It's about having that balance.

If you are working 24/7, you're not going to have any interesting ideas.

Right now, offline and online are coming together because of smartphones.

I love creating. I had been really into photography when I was in college.

Advertising is a very fundamental need, so I don't think it's going to go away.

Paid leave is a not just a mother and child issue, it's a societal issue we have.

People complain when ads aren't relevant, and they complain when ads are too relevant.

I love taking an idea... to a prototype and then to a product that millions of people use.

Your kids get something from your career, and your career will get something from your kids.

Ads get a bad reputation sometimes because they're not useful. They're not relevant, or slow.

I am responsible for creating and overseeing the future products that make up Google Advertising.

People at different stages of their lives are doing different things, and they're all using Google.

Having a child is a big life change, but the really hectic period is relatively short. You can get through it.

Google is fascinating, and the book isn't finished. I'm creating, living, building, and writing those chapters.

My most radical shift was leaving Intel and joining Google, a small startup at the time, even though I was pregnant.

Whether it's salary or a promotion or a job, I think it's important for women to ask for what they think they deserve.

Things are always changing. Part of being successful here is being comfortable with not knowing what's going to happen.

On YouTube, women are not just users; they're creators. They're learning about business and technology, and having a voice.

If a third of Americans' time is being spent online, why is only a quarter of ad dollars spent there? It's not proportional.

You see a lot of powerful women on the Internet, but I wish there were more. I think the Internet really could use a lot more women.

From phones to cars to medicine, technology touches every part of our lives. If you can create technology, you can change the world.

Advertising is very simple in a lot of ways. Advertisers go where the users go, and users are choosing to spend a lot more time online.

The main motivations were to try to leverage Google's expertise with large computer systems and to try to give something back to science

Google has been doing well. As much as possible we're trying to share back with the employees. They will continue to create a lot of value.

The great thing about the Internet is you can launch a product, and within just a few hours, people will tell you what they think about it.

People don't understand the logistics of advertising. To have the ads purchased and run, you need to have a series of products that work together.

Suddenly, when you have kids, you become responsible for these other people - like if something's not working out at school. I learned to speak out.

Generally, our approach with products at Google is to first develop the right user base and then to figure out what's the right experience for the ads.

There are lots of people in the Silicon Valley who are interested in working at a fast-moving, dynamic company like Google. Not just my family members.

Google is a business that gets paid when users want to see - want to click on - the ad. If we show ads that no one wants to see, we don't generate revenue.

I'm excited about the opportunities with mobile phones and being able to receive information on the go and relevant to what I'm doing at that moment in time.

Don't overplan your life. Joining Google when I was four months pregnant was a bit of a leap, but sometimes you have to do the right thing for you right now.

I see tech as... a force that is changing pretty much all parts of our society. It's really sad for me that we don't have enough women that are part of that.

Unless we make computer science a priority, we risk making gender, class, and racial disparities worse as jobs flow to those with a computer science background.

My smartest move was joining Google. It wasn't obvious at the time that it would be a good decision. A lot of people, many of my friends, advised me against it.

Growth is always essential. Running any tech company, you want to make sure you're growing. Putting in place all of the right structure to be able to ensure growth.

In the old world, people used to have to go to focus groups and ask people what they thought. Now, people are writing all over the Web what they think about things.

One of the things that I'm trying to do is use the position that I'm in... to encourage the next generation of girls to think about the Internet as a career opportunity.

I have this desire to create things and build things, and Google has enabled me to build and create things and to build products that are used by people all over the globe.

It's important for me to show my children the richness of life and be a role model. I find that my organizational and management skills are tested more at home than at work!

CEOs need to say, 'We're going to make sure this is a great environment for all types of people.' I was a beneficiary of that. I got support from the leaders of Google - all men.

Though we do need more women to graduate with technical degrees, I always like to remind women that you don't need to have science or technology degrees to build a career in tech.

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