Love is the best part of life

Nothing heals like love and time

Bass guitar is the engine of the band.

Be honest, be kind, and share the love.

Rock n' roll! It's the music of puberty.

When punk picked up black leather, I put it down.

Inside, I feel 30ish - I'm childish and optimistic.

Joan was one of my biggest fans, as was Chrissie Hynde.

Rock and roll mainly but I can play passable jazz also.

I am busy touring all over Europe, Japan, and Australia.

I do think fame can distort reality. I've always felt that.

I read and write classical piano and percussion, also guitar.

You're all right, as long as you don't believe your own hype.

Shame on those artists who aren't proud of their achievements.

I refused to wear make-up on TV. I wanted my music to be heard.

Reality shows have a lot to answer for. They applaud mediocrity.

I do love acting. It's my second love and I would love to do more.

Len and I had parted musical ways and this was one of the problems.

Do as many gigs as the good Lord sends. That's the only true training.

Guitar is for the head, drums are for the chest, but bass gets you in the groin

I've always maintained that you can be sexy with your clothes on. Sexier maybe.

I always found the road exciting. I liked stinking hotels and freezing dressing rooms.

I am the fourth of five children, and I can't remember a time with no babies in the house.

I'm a bit of a wine snob and like a glass of Chateaux Margaux '82 with a meal or to unwind.

I may have been sexy, but I was covered up total. There was something left to the imagination.

I have recorded nine tracks for a new album which I financed myself and am looking for a home for.

I used to buy scented poetry books on tour and read aloud to the band. Not what you'd expect, huh?

It sounds corny, but I consider myself an old-fashioned entertainer. I could have been in variety.

Down in devil gate drive. I led the angel pack on the road to sin. Knock down the gates, let me in.

I was a me-ist. I believed in the right to do whatever I wanted to do regardless of gender. Still do.

I'm one of those rare breed of rock n' rollers with a brain, probably because the brain's still intact.

I hate canceling anything, I'm 'the show must go on' mentality. If you can crawl, you can take the stage.

I would like to live forever in people's hearts and minds; that would be fun. I'll leave the world my art.

A bass should sound like a bass with the thump of the finger against the wood, like it began with stand up.

I've always done a bass and drum solo that lasts about 10 minutes. The main thing is to use it only when you need to.

I miss America because it's where I grew up. I miss the size of the roads, the size of cars, the malls, the choices of radio.

I am flattered to have been the woman to have opened the door for female rockers to be accepted into the mainly male industry.

I'm not a great flyer. It's ironic, since I'm in showbiz and have to fly at least twice a week. I try to sleep and blot it out.

The bass player's function, along with the drums, is to be the engine that drives the car... everything else is merely colours.

I just couldn't get into the high school scene at all. I was fat, ugly and weird. I just couldn't do the makeup and the hairdos.

I'm told I'm an incredible flirt because I don't know I'm doing it. I don't want to even analyse it, but I seduce people, apparently; I suck them in.

When you are famous, you never can be sure why somebody's being nice. You just have to develop a very good sixth sense. I call it my bullshit detector.

I jog every day, but I haven't had plastic surgery - though that's not to say if one day I look in the mirror and go 'Ugh!' I won't have something done.

I was inspired by Billie Holliday, and I really liked Mary Weiss of the Shangri-Las because she wore tight trousers and a waistcoat on top - she looked hot.

One of my insecurities was my looks. I was short, cute and chubby, and Dad used to call me his 'little fat sausage.' But I always knew I had musical talent.

I don't know, I don't pay attention to critics anyway. They either like me or they don't, you know what I mean? I am too long in the tooth to worry about that.

I also have a big love of classical music played on piano because this is the environment I grew up in my brother being one of the great masters in this world.

I feel that whatever you put out is what you'll get back. I always put out, 'hey, hi, I'm a bass player, no bullshit,' and that's what I got back. I got the respect.

The hardest instruments for women to play are bass and drums. Drums because of the physicality needed and bass just because its heavy and it's not an easy instrument to play.

The bass should be the note of the bass drum, and then you've got the engine of the band that everything else builds on. Everything else, the guitar, the keyboards, is a colour.

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