I have a sweet tooth, yeah.

Eating good food energizes me.

I think our strongest suit is our live show.

The American fans really know how to have fun.

I would describe our concerts as pretty intense.

I cherish our songs in both Japanese and English.

We are pioneers of creating a new genre of metal.

While we don't always 'get' metal, we're doing our very best.

Our goal is not to be number one. Our aim is to be the only one.

Our aim is to bring everyone together through BABYMETAL's music.

We don't really know a lot about the Fox God, but we believe in him.

We came to be Babymetal after receiving a divine message from the Fox God.

We usually go to metal and rock festivals, and Glastonbury is not like that.

I hope people can come along to see us perform and be like, 'What the hell is this?'

The theme of 'Karate' is about fighting yourself to break down barriers and move forward.

We feel it's really interesting to see how our music translates to such a broad audience.

We want to gather everyone together as one, transcending any barrier of language and culture.

We are aiming to create a one and only new music genre that exceeds the limits of pop and metal music.

Our sound is really hard metal but looks cute, and in some parts of the song the lyrics are really cute.

I've often been asked, 'aren't you going to sing in English?' So I'm very glad to have a song in English.

In Singapore, when we actually met foreign fans and talked to them, it was like 'Wow! They really exist!'

There's no-one in particular that we look up to, because we strive to be something that's never gone before.

The crowd at Download Festival always welcomes us with a lot of energy so I can't wait to perform there again!

There's a shift and a change in how we've matured to becoming adults. 'Elevator Girl' represents our maturity.

The only place to find out what Babymetal is about and what Babymetal aims to do, you have to come out to a show.

It's always fun to see fans getting into the rhythm, enjoying our performance, and seeing them sing along with us!

I don't expect for people to like the same things, so I don't feel a need to force people to understand who we are.

A collaboration with Rob Halford, the 'Metal God,' has always been my dream. I never imagined that dream would come true!

We've taken Japan's 'idol' music genre of pretty girls singing and dancing and added 'kawaii metal,' which is totally new.

We've incorporated different sounds from different countries and genres, and we've explored widening the range of our music.

We always do this fox sign that appears in our choreography very often. Our fans enjoy doing this sign together at our shows.

I learned to say 'hello' in German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Indonesian, and Italian - languages of the countries I've visited.

My mum wasn't the sort of person who would ordinarily listen to heavy metal. But she thinks Babymetal's songs are cool. She's a big fan.

One thing that brings everyone together are the lyrics. Even if the people singing don't know the Japanese words, they still sing along.

Like Muse and Linkin Park, we are also striving to be the one and only to create a new genre called BABYMETAL. We hope to be as cool as them.

The American audience has always without fail shown us very real emotions. We always try to just be ourselves and show them who Babymetal are.

We have never met the Fox God in person but he assigns us inconceivable challenges, so he is crucial for the progress and growth of Babymetal.

In the beginning I thought that metal was something scary, but I learned how thoughtful and amazing metal is. I'm so honored to be a part of it.

We already knew that Glastonbury is one of the largest music festivals. We always wanted to perform here, and it's like a dream. It's really amazing.

When we first started out, we had no idea what metal music was all about. But now we listen to everything from cute songs to all sorts of metal music.

I am sure there are some people who say that we are not metal, but we want to create a new genre that will appeal to people of all ages, both boys and girls.

There's so many things about Babymetal you cannot just grasp with the sound. The visual has to compliment the sound, the costumes have to compliment the sound.

Babymetal's music is kind of - no one else creates this kind of music. When Babymetal first started, we wanted to give the impression of like, 'What the heck?!'

The surprising thing is when we met Judas Priest, they all recognized us. They knew our songs. They knew 'Gimme Chocolate!' and started dancing along with the music.

Seeing so many comments on our YouTube channel from people all over the world, even if they don't understand Japanese, made me realize that music has worldwide appeal.

Before we joined BABYMETAL, we weren't that familiar with metal, but we learned a lot from Metallica. Watching their shows and even meeting them, they were really nice to us.

We never imagined ourselves in this unbelievable situation that we're in today such as having concerts all over the world and we believe this is all given to us by the Fox God.

From the beginning, I felt that Heavy Metal is not just about music but also something that you feel with your heart. It is music that helps you express your emotions and feelings.

In the beginning, Babymetal received critical comments since the genre was new, but now we have an impression that Babymetal's music is getting accepted and spreading as one genre of music.

We've noticed that even though we sing in Japanese, our fans study Japanese and sing along with us, and that people who like J-pop and people who like metal both enjoy our music just the same.

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