I'm a huge nerd.

I was actually valedictorian of my class.

I have to be honest: I've memorized 'Titanic.'

I slalom ski. I wakeboard. I hike and rock climb.

I was on the math team, and I was on the soccer team.

Amy Adams is incredible and inspiring - she's amazing.

Oh, I can't master the smoldering look to save my life.

I grew up watching 'Gilmore Girls' with my older cousins!

I grew up on a lake on the border of Washington and Idaho.

Hard work pays off. The harder you work, the more people will notice.

I love sports, or hiking; you'll always find me outside doing something.

Jean-Marc Vallee is a talent, and working with Amy Adams was incredible.

I love 'Gone Girl,' so bringing 'Sharp Objects' to life, that was amazing.

My family collects vintage pinball machines, so I have a few in my apartment.

I love Prada, Miu Miu, and Zimmermann. And, apparently, I love Carolina Herrera.

I always look for characters that will hopefully develop into a more powerful symbol.

I really look up to Amy Adams, who I got to work with, Meryl Streep, and Angelina Jolie.

I've been able to work with so many people, so I love asking advice from as many as possible.

When I'm on set, I'm 100 percent comfortable, but at events and photo shoots, I'm beyond nervous.

I don't think, because I'm going to school for something else, that I will stop being an actress.

I think that, any young child or teenager, you take a lot from your parents when you're growing up.

I've been able to work on shows with amazing role models, amazing actors, incredible female filmmakers.

I'd love to have a production company one day, and I'd love to maybe venture out with other industries.

I've been a teenage girl, too, so I've had my own insecurities and my own struggles that I've got through.

'Euphoria' was a lot of fun wardrobe-wise because I actually got to wear clothing that I would regularly wear.

I love working with an actress that you can just look at them and be able to react with your eyes and not have to do much else.

Growing up, I was definitely a tomboy, an overall-and-Converse type of girl, and I still am, but for events, I love dressing up.

I got rid of my place in L.A. I had this beautiful condo in Taluca Lake, but I was like, 'Why am I paying for this when I'm all over?'

I actually began my career by convincing my parents to let me be an actress when I was 12 with a PowerPoint presentation describing acting and my goals.

When I'm on set, everybody always hangs out, especially on 'Euphoria' we're all the same age, so we would do tons of things together, which is a lot of fun.

When it's a bigger character, and there's a lot going on for her, and there are all these different elements that go into the character, I just love being able to dive into it.

I'm never in the same place for too long, and you make the most amazing friends on one set, and then you go to another, and you start all over again, and it's lonely sometimes.

There was no entertainment industry at all in Spokane, Washington, where I was raised. When I was 12, this movie came to town randomly, and I begged my parents to let me audition.

Everybody is always like, 'You must be a really good liar,' and no, I'm actually a truth teller, and I'm telling someone else's truth. If I'm lying, then I'm not doing my job correctly.

Working with Amy Adams was amazing. I've always looked up to her as an actor and as a role model, so being able to be on set with her was completely beyond anything I could ever imagine.

I grew up remodeling houses with my parents, and I've started to do it again with some of my friends. So, I like to watch HGTV - 'Love It or List It,' 'Property Brothers,' 'Flip or Flop.'

Serena and Blair from 'Gossip Girl' got to wear such awesome outfits, and being on a show like that, where you're getting to wear incredible designers all the time, would be a lot of fun.

I separate myself from my characters as much as possible, but I have these books that I create which are interactive diaries/timelines/memory books/pictures of the character's entire world.

I'm trained in mixed martial arts. I started when I was 14 and did my first competition at 18. It was a grappling competition against all guys a weight category above me, and I got first place.

I would always worry that I was only going to play the girl next door or the cute girlfriend. But I've been really lucky that all my roles have been very intense and completely different kinds of characters.

I'm really into both sides of the industry - in front of the camera and behind the camera. I love the business side of it; I love all of the contracts and negotiating and the different connections that you can make.

I honestly don't think I have one specific style. One day, I could be wearing a workout track suit, and another day, I could be wearing overalls and a tank top. Or I love a slip with corset. It just honestly depends on where I am in the world and what I'm doing and how I'm feeling that day.

On 'Euphoria,' it's so fun because we're all the same age, so being able to hang out and go out together and go to different events together has been so fun compared to always being the youngest on set, which was really fun, but it's like, you're going to go home to your husband or wife, and I'm going to go home to my dog.

Every single character and every single person in real life can all be 16 or 17 years old and maybe live in the same town and go to the same school, but every single girl is experiencing and living a different life. I think that, on the outside, it may seem like there's a lot of similarities, but there's also a lot of differences as well.

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