Excellence requires discomfort.

I think that Jesus is the product.

Comfort is the enemy of creativity.

a setback is a setup for a comeback

Worry worships the words of the enemy

Any great teacher is a great student.

Arrogance always destroys opportunity

You can't have healing without sickness.

My views about hell are very traditional.

Ignorance is brought about by assumption.

You are no greater than what you believe.

You cannot have victory without conflict.

I don't dislike anybody. I love everybody.

Faith becomes the foundation I'm built on.

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself

Success is not success without a successor.

We pay far too much attention to externals.

Its not over, until the Lord says its over.

Forgive others so that you may be forgiven.

You are no stronger than your belief system.

You cannot change what you will not confront.

You cannot be a Big person with a Small heart

Progress apart from purpose ends in arrogance.

Being angry is human. Staying angry is foolish.

I'm not walking by sight- I'm, walking by faith

You will never understand pleasure without pain.

The greater the battle - the greater the spoils.

God's grace is painted on the canvas of despair.

You can wreck your future running from your past.

Focus on your accomplishments , not your failures.

When people can walk away from you: Let them walk.

I came to serve notice on the devil- he is a liar!

Faith must always pass the test of discouragement.

Every major move in my life was done instinctively.

Salvation is the root-the resurrection is the fruit.

Success is never an accident it's always on purpose.

My father was a Methodist and my mother was a Baptist.

The thing that I've most enjoyed is what I'm learning.

There is no room for God in a mind that's full of self.

The right thing at the wrong time will lead to failure.

Both success and struggle are different kinds of trauma.

Instilling values of faith at an early age is important.

I don't care how fancy you wrap trash, it's still trash.

You shouldn't shoot at every opportunity that passes by.

Blame unto others only as you would first blame yourself.

No one keeps the container, they always keep the product.

Your greatest failure will precede your greatest success.

When you can't do nothing but pray-you've done a whole lot.

The most dangerous thing in the world is to have no purpose.

Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation.

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