I began absolutely non-stop tormenting my parents, begging them on a daily basis to move there.

The things that make me cry are when the people I love have gone through pain and I’ve seen it.

I didn't want to just be another girl singer. I wanted there to be something that set me apart.

Even if you're happy with the life you've chosen, you're still curious about the other options.

Fearless is not the absence of fear. Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you.

I wouldn't want to date a pushover who would let me make all the plans and have all the control.

I definitely know that there's somebody looking out for me, because I could never do this alone.

Don’t worry. You may think you’ll never get over it. But you also thought it would last forever.

And, honestly, if somebody wants to criticize me for not being a trainwreck, that's fine with me!

Vanity can apply to both insecurity and egotism. So I distance myself, because I feel everything.

The Moment I Knew" "was a song about my 21st birthday party, which was the worst experience ever.

If somebody hurts you, it's okay to cry a river, just remember to build a bridge and get over it.

I don't drink much alcohol. If it doesn't taste like candy or sparkles, I usually don't drink it.

You can walk away and say "We don't need this." but something in your eyes says "We can beat this.

So don't you worry your pretty little mind because people throw rocks at things that shine. [Ours]

All I ever do is learn from my mistakes so I don't make the same ones again. Then I make new ones.

I have a lot of friends who do what I do. Either they're actresses or singers or things like that.

Seems like the only one who doesn't see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you.

I've made sure that in any situation and with any record label, I'm allowed to write my own music.

All of my favorite people - people I really trust - none of them were cool in their younger years.

I think it's important that you know that I will never change. But I'll never stay the same either

We don't wish for the easy stuff. We wish for big things. Things that are ambitious, out of reach.

You have to stop looking in the mirror and realize that your living for yourself, not other people.

I have this fear of falling in front of large groups of people. That's why I tend not to wear heels.

Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

You will never be able to find happiness if you stay attached to the wrong person and don't move on.

I think that it’s fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he’s in love with someone else.

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves. They'll judge it like they know about me and you.

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

Every day was a struggle. Forget making plans for life - we were just trying to make it to next week.

I can't deal with someone wanting to take a relationship backward or needing space or cheating on you.

The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name; it's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change.

So there are different examples of fairy tales, and sometimes I believe in them and sometimes I don't.

When you see something bad happening out in the world, you should try to help in whatever way you can.

I've learned through writing that if something made me feel deeply or anything at all, it was worth it.

I think every girl's dream is to find a bad boy at the right time, when he wants to not be bad anymore.

I've wanted one thing in my life. I don't want to be that girl that gets that one thing then complains.

When I was 8 years old, it mattered what my favorite singer said and wore and expressed opinions about.

The song 'Innocent' is a song that I wrote about something that really, really emotionally impacted me.

I want to write a song for someone who has just fallen in love or someone single and living their live.

I have to practice to be good at guitar. I have to write 100 songs before you write the first good one.

There's a lot of pressure putting an album out all over the world and hoping people everywhere like it.

Every single one of the guys that I've written songs about has been tracked down on MySpace by my fans.

the battle's in your hands now, but I would lay my armor down, if you said you'd rather love than fight.

I'm sick of the tabloids' saying I obsess over guys. Why would you obsess over guys? They don't like it.

Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes. You say sorry just for show. You live like that, you live with ghosts.

I like the app where you can make your own memes. I make memes all the time and send them to my friends.

If something happens to me, you're going to hear about it. I only know how to write songs about my life.

Any relationship I ever have will have to be hidden, or else it will be destroyed before it even starts.

In life, you learn lessons. And sometimes you learn them the hard way. Sometimes you learn them too late.

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