Wrestling is an art form.

I became an authentic Christian.

Vulgarity, in my mind, is not cool.

I'm not that kinda guy to hold a grudge.

Alberto Del Rio is doing a pretty good job.

Business is business and I take it very serious.

I'm a minister, I preach forgiveness all the time.

I am a minister and I preach forgiveness all time.

You can't promote change standing on the sidelines.

We have all said things in anger in a moment that we don't mean.

My first WrestleMania, which was WrestleMania 4, was a milestone.

When I left the WWE then I wasn't unhappy with the company at all.

I always looked like an athlete but I didn't look like Charles Atlas.

Wrestling is a business, it is show business and wrestling championships are props.

If I had to feel one thing towards Jim Hellwig, I guess it would be pity a little bit.

You've got to have new stars and you need people to pass the torch to build those stars.

I tell young guys, you need to build accountability into your life to avoid the pitfalls.

I don't think Vince McMahon is evil or the devil. I think he's a very shrewd business man.

I have wrestled in front of 80,000 people at Wembley Stadium, and that is a pretty big thrill.

I tell everybody all the time: I had a 25-year wrestling career, and I'm most known for laughing.

Reality is, I could have made Japan a career. I could have just gone to Japan and I'd have been great.

To be in this business and be a star, not just be on the card, to be a star puts a demand on your time.

I was real close with Jim Duggan and Jake Roberts. We all came out of Mid-South, so we all had that in common.

The road can become a very lonely place. It's not what it's cracked up to be. Of course, it's what you make it.

If there was a regret, the one thing I didn't get to do before he died, was bury the hatchet with Ultimate Warrior.

Yeah, the first television match that I'm going to have, I got put out there with Danny Hodge and I was scared to death.

So I went to WCW for three years and quite frankly, it was the most miserable three years of my life in terms of business.

It doesn't take a lot of preparation for the Rumble compared to how you would prepare for a match where it's you and another guy.

I really spent the better part of the first 12 years of my career wrestling for Mid South. Fond memories, but a grueling territory.

By the time Vince McMahon called upon me to become this character, the Million Dollar Man, I had already been wrestling for 12 years.

The Million Dollar Man thought he could buy anybody or anything and that was the essence of the character. About as evil as you can get!

The difference between Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon is Vince McMahon knows how to create a star. Eric took a company and took it down.

The Million Dollar Man the character is actually a Vince McMahon original. It was presented to me and Vince kind of started laying it out.

I was not a big fan of the Attitude Era. Some of the things they did were very good and very funny but I was never a fan of the sleazy stuff.

My father died when I was 15, and my dad was a professional wrestler but as well as a national amateur champion at the University of Nebraska.

I have the love and respect of my wife and my kids. I could look in the mirror and I'm happy with that guy now. He's okay. He's not a schmuck.

Initially, when I saw some of the things Vince was doing, I thought he was killing the business. There was the comedy stuff, the wedding on TV.

Stan Hansen is arguably the most popular, most famous, foreign wrestler in Japanese wrestling history. One of the absolute biggest names in wrestling.

Bobby Heenan was as quick-witted off the cameras as he was on the camera and just as funny. A great guy and I just thought the world of him as a person.

People always ask 'What was your greatest match. What was your favorite moment?' Not realizing, you wrestle so much in a career that you can't pick one.

The truth is, the WWE has changed incredibly since my wrestling days. The work schedule is not as demanding overall, and the compensation is much better.

I was smarter when I was 15, 16 than when I was 18 to 26, because instead of caving in to being cool, I stuck close to my convictions and I was rewarded.

Jake Roberts started in Mid-South as a referee. We're pretty close, and we come from the same school of thought when it comes to the psychology of wrestling.

I tell people all day who say 'When you going to retire?' I said I never found the word retirement in the Bible, so I'm going to keep going till I'm not here.

Well, you know, I was a top heel in the company for a long time and whether I was moved over to a tag team with Mike Rotunda, you know, we were a top heel team.

I had, back in March of 92, Wrestlemania 8, just after that is when I had a major confrontation at home and very nearly lost my family and I wrote a book about it.

WCW started basically buying talent created by Vince McMahon because that's what they did with Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and myself and gave us contracts.

I remember one time I got one of my front teeth knocked out, and so I got a partial where they have the deal where they have the thing that slips in and slips out.

Well, I think everyone would agree that Vince McMahon, although he doesn't get it right every time, he gets it right most of the time, and he is a marketing genius.

No matter how many times you get beat, you don't mind seeing them get beat again. That's what a good heel is in our business. I think JBL did it just as good as anybody.

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