I'm a real housewife.

Clearly, I'm not psychic.

I make 'skinny' Italian food.

It's fun to be silly sometimes!

I'm a mom. I live for my daughters.

I don't hate any of the Housewives.

I'm the type of person that forgives.

I’m a Jersey girl, no one can knock me down

In the shower, I love to exfoliate my body.

Leopard is timeless... especially in Jersey!

Women are strong. We have babies. We do it all.

You've got to have thick skin in this business.

My first and most important job is being a mommy.

You can only get hurt so much before you get numb.

You know, we live in a crazy world, I have to say.

You marry someone, they're supposed to protect you.

From somber, serious sullen saints, save us, O Lord.

Nothing could prepare you for being instantly famous.

Being on TV, there's good and bad, like anything else.

I don't like to hold on to anger. It eats you up alive.

Violence of the tongue is very real- sharper than any knife.

I adore my niece and nephews and love spending time with them.

I give people my heart right away, I trust them, and I'm loyal.

I don't think kids climbing up the leg of someone is a big deal.

I really believe that being positive and being happy is a choice.

People make fun of Jersey girls, but I think they're just jealous.

I'm the type that's always happy, I let things roll of my shoulder.

I'm getting certified to become a teacher because I love it so much.

I don't start shooting off my mouth. I'm not like that. I'm a mother.

I adore my girls and I'm so proud of them. So proud to be their mama.

The reaction I get from my fans is they love me, and I love them back.

I'm religious about making sure I always moisturize and wear eye cream.

It's important for girls to have a strong father figure in their lives.

My girls had to grow up quick because of everything we've been through.

I'd have to say that reality TV ruined our family, and it's a disgrace.

I do the laundry, cook all the meals, take care of my kids and I love it.

I'm humble - I'll always be humble. I'll never change, that's just not me.

My heart goes out to anyone who suffers, and of course, to their families.

I love hanging out with my family in the warm sunshine more than anything.

After I lost my mom, something snapped inside of me and I got really angry.

Going away to prison was nothing, I'm just saying, compared to losing my mom.

I'm honored to have so many beautiful, intelligent, loyal, and wonderful fans.

I love decorating the house, seeing my family, and spending time with my girls.

People change. They get successful and change. They get unsuccessful and change.

My great-grandmother taught my mom to cook and she passed down the recipes to me.

What people say doesn't really matter. It's best to just brush it off and move on.

I have everything from leopard print slippers to leopard print sheets and pajamas.

No woman has ever come up to me and said that my husband was having an affair with her.

I think it's refreshing that someone on TV can admit they drink beer, eat meat, and wear fur.

Sometimes in life you reach your breaking point, when you just can't deal with something anymore.

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