It ain't easy being cheesy!

School is cool. Thats why it rhymes

Never stop! Slow down sometimes, but never stop!

You can't be perfect, so enjoy your imperfections.

Trying to be cool is the easiest path to mediocrity

Well, that embarrassment gene, I don't really have a lot of it.

Do you really miss anything that was worth watching at the MTV Awards?

I would never do a role where I'm naked in bed with a chick having sex.

I'm African-American by my culture, not by my color. Race does not exist.

It's great to be strong but strength is nothing without having compassion.

I promise you, I'm fake sometimes, but other times I'm like, dude sit down.

I could've ended up in action films forever. But the comedy thing has been my forte.

I call myself the Amusement Park. That's because I'm funny and scary at the same time.

You get better at working by working. And if you don't work, you're not getting better.

I was always more of a film guy than an athlete guy. I had an art scholarship at Western.

I want to be a man who mixes strengths and compassion. That's my magic elixir, so to speak.

It wasn't until after I became famous that people noticed I played in the NFL. I kind of snuck in!

Never stop being YOU. I am out to be the best ME I can be. Do what you LOVE and you will be badass.

I feel like we need to make new superheroes, African-American superheroes, that people would accept.

I have four daughters. A lot of the time, I don't allow myself to be in projects that objectify women.

When you have writers who recognize they're making a wrong turn and correct it, I knew I was in good hands.

I would always be painting and drawing. If I was stuck at home, I was in the basement working on a painting.

A football team is like a society, straight up. There are rapists, but there are creatures and there are film guys.

The Muppets are no joke. They are for real. Each one has an agent and manager and all that stuff. I'm not even kidding.

[Muppets] all have their own teams. And I had to get it over to [Miss] Piggy's team and approvals, but she was with it.

I consider myself a feminist. My whole life has been about standing up for women, for anybody really, who's been abused.

When you're black in Hollywood, you know, your first role is going to be on a crime drama. That's - everybody knows that.

You haven't experienced anything until you've been to Africa. You know the world is bigger than you are after you see Africa.

When I was a kid, I didn't have any girlfriends. I was a very nerdy-type dude. Believe me, being a ham does not turn girls on.

The thing that you think is imperfect about you, is the thing that makes you who you are. It separates you from everybody else.

You only have but so much time to make an impact or people will forget you. My goal always is to make the biggest impact possible.

I loved 'BattleDome.' It was the first thing I ever auditioned for, and I was so crazy in the audition that I knew I had the part.

A lot of times people are too ego caught up where they made the decision and "We're going to stick with it" and then I had to suffer.

I'm actually a perpetual 13-year-old. I've never advanced beyond 13. Every day, tomorrow is my 14th birthday. That's my kind of humor.

You can't do sports for the rest of your life; I don't care how good you are. You can be the best ever, but it's still going to go away.

Hollywood is a bit of a publicity game where it's constantly trying to portray things and put up this image and I was not interested in that.

Never let anyone define you. You are the only person who defines you. No one can speak for you. Only you speak for you. You are your only voice.

The big thing with all parents is they just want to be left alone. I want no demands. That's the best gift for Father's Day, just leave them alone.

The only thing intimidating about Cube is that he's the father of gangsta' rap. You just worry about getting your lines right, or he might shoot you.

But think about how evil that is for one man to think that he's actually more valuable than a woman, because as a human being your worth is immeasurable.

I love doing great entertainment, but I like the joke to be on me. I don't want to take advantage of some poor person and dog 'em out and let the chips fall.

When I retired from the NFL, no one knew who I was, and I had to start all over. I ended up doing security in L.A., and I was just on movie sets and watching.

My mantra is "I don't want to let anybody down." Maybe that's not the right attitude, because you can't please everybody. But I'm giving it everything I've got.

I would never do 'Dancing With The Stars,' because it's just not fair. I am too good of a dancer. It would be like LeBron James playing little league basketball.

By myself, I'm a hard pill. My wife makes me look real good, because she smoothes my rough edges. That's why I say, "Take your wife everywhere. It's a good thing."

I'm not guaranteeing that if you work hard you'll be able to duplicate my success. But in America, if you work hard, you just might. I'm a perfect example of that.

I love the urban comedies, because they keep you famous, keep you having fun, and keep you in love with the business. Those are my roots. I'll always love doing those.

Art was always my thing. I had an art scholarship before I had a football scholarship. I'm a left-handed, right-brained, painting-drawing guy. That was always my skill.

There's drama in everything. That's why I love movies. Like Welcome to the Dollhouse, I'm a 350-pound black man, and I could understand what it was like to be a little white girl.

My thing is you're only as good as the people you work with. I've been blessed to work with the Wayanses and Eddie Murphy and Adam Sandler and Chris Rock, and it makes you better.

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