I like to keep my private stuff pretty vague.

The title of the movie is open to interpretation.

Cows are a lot smarter across the board than bulls.

Kissing's a good thing, man. It's the doorbell of intimacy.

Look at the Native American culture. They revere the elders.

I invested, and I protected myself, so I enjoy that freedom.

But I'm a citizen of Texas and try to spend most of my time there.

Cary and I are working together on another movie, Charlotte's Web.

I love knowing that I'm not better than any other person on the planet.

He was using me. When he cast me in Sideways I was nothing but a vessel.

Sight is about what lies right in front of us. Vision is what lies ahead.

If you are truly fearless as a performer, than you don't fear kids or dogs.

I certainly was an actor and then I drifted more towards writing and directing.

But at the same time, if the right thing came along, I would do it in a second.

I would just turn into a giant pair of lips. "Oh God! There he is! It's Lip-Man!"

I believe in singularity in relationships because you've got to have trust on both sides.

To some extent I could identify with that because I kind of just made my money and got out.

But all actors go through the process, it's hit and miss, you have achievement and failure.

I love going to the feed store and drinking coffee and talking about how much rain we need.

I'm not so proud to think that anything is unworthy, and I don't think I was that way 10 years ago.

As an actor I kind of do. I started out doing voice overs in the mid 80s when I was in grad school.

I kind of have a rededication in my life now to acting because I'm very fond of being in this movie.

I enjoy doing press for something that I like, and I think the movie is very fun and charming and clever.

I made a comfortable living for several years. I invested, and I protected myself, so I enjoy that freedom.

The fact that I haven't been married might qualify me as belonging in the nutty category to a lot of women.

When I moved to L.A. in 1989, the very first thing I did was this horrific pilot called To Protect And Surf.

And there have certainly been movies I wanted to be in and milestones I wanted to surpass that did not happen.

The Divorce, it's just like any performance that's given where I really just completely lost myself in that life.

Principally, I'll give anything a chance, only because the greatest challenges are the ones that you never see coming.

I have a healthy sense of vanity. I like to look good for myself, which is what a lot of women say. I want to stay fit.

I hate it when women fight aging with plastic surgery or fashion choices. There's this arrogant youth worship in our society.

I don't want my hair to be ridiculous. But in Texas I do wear a hat a lot, so I probably have hat-head more than I'm aware of.

I've been an admirer of Helen Mirren for a long time. As I get older, I find myself admiring older women who have poise and elegance.

But I think once the word gets out that the movie is funny - funny is transcendent - it will traverse all demographic barriers if people embrace it as a funny movie.

I probably am. I think Paul Giamatti also said in an interview that I was "f--king crazy." I'm flattered by that. I want to be that guy who's nuts who makes people think.

Of course, anybody's who's 26 years old will probably say, "Of course the old guy would say that." But wait until you're 45 or 46 years old. See how you feel about it then.

Between Clive Owen winning at the Golden Globes and the British Academy announcing its nominations, of which Sideways received only one, I'm feeling pretty humbled these days.

Any tendency to design for design's sake, to create a pattern within which the owner must live according to rules set by the designer, is headed for frustration, if not disaster.

I've been a writer longer than I've been an actor. I wrote short stories like crazy when I was in high school and college. I worked in advertising before I moved to L.A. to pursue acting.

I would say 95% of the time, because you just can't remember your lines if you're drinking alcohol. I would say about 95% of the time it was grape juice or this fake wine, which was horrible.

I did a series called Ned and Stacey for two years for Fox back in the 90s. I was writer on it as well as a producer, and it was very important to me that there were no contemporary references.

I've never been married, and I've never been divorced. But I have had some very serious relationships. I was engaged twice. The way that those relationships ended, it was very very heartbreaking.

Last summer when we were preparing for the movie, I actually kind of wanted to stay fairly uninformed about it. As we went through the process that we do in the movie, I wanted to be a little wide-eyed.

Their lives have been largely defined by failure and you would think the prospect of marriage, which is supposed to be bountiful and hopeful, it's just really another kind of tangential thing in his life.

One that always stings is "Grow up." And it stings most when you have the suspicion that it is justified, that you have just done somethingchildish and you got nailed for it. It's probably been said to me a few times.

Nothing is set up like a comedy bit. I did sitcoms for 10 years. Literally from 1989 to 1999. That's almost all I did. Whenever I got away from television I was like, "Phew, thank God that's over. I am never going back."

It's one of those scenarios where no, I never imagined that I'd be directed in a love scene - not even a love scene because it's kind of a hard-core sex scene because it's kind of just purely played for this carnal venting.

Villains with a conscience have this sad realization of who they are, and the monster they've become — there's a sense of regret. So at the end of these movies there's a dramatic resonance that really stays with the audience.

But I certainly know a lot of people that existed at that level and are always kind of pining for more, always thinking that the next big break, the next opportunity, the big role are just around the corner of the next audition.

But to this day I am convinced that the real reason we met was because Alexander is from Nebraska, and he was completely fascinated that I was about to go off and make a movie with Brando - perhaps the most famous Nebraskan of all.

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