An organization needs to be constantly refreshed.

I'm not getting into a public debate with Jack Nicklaus.

Good television people have a sense of what television people relate to.

The game of golf was bigger than Jack Nicklaus when Jack was dominating the game.

Connecting with people, getting things done - that's what makes the travel worthwhile.

To be a former PGA Tour player typically means you're about 75 years old. They just don't stop.

Working in Washington, trying to make a difference, that was a very meaningful time for me, a period of personal growth.

If I was going to go to college, I had to have a scholarship. By my sophomore year, it was evident golf was not going to be the path.

I've never played golf with Tiger Woods. To tell the truth, I'm not sure that watching him pound it 100 yards past me all day is something I'd like to do.

That's what PGA Tour golf is all about. It's a partnership with the community to help people to raise money for charity and to do it using golf as a platform.

I'm a fan of the power nap. About twice a week, I'll stretch out on a little couch in my office for 20 minutes. I don't need a wake-up call; I pop right up, feeling refreshed.

If I want to make something known, I have to make a concerted effort to get the word out. Tiger Woods, on the other hand, only has to say something, and it's tomorrow's headlines.

When I was 10, I had a paper route. One year, I delivered my papers through a hurricane. My mother was against the idea, but my dad, who was a sergeant in the Marine Corps, overruled her. I was determined to deliver my papers.

You want to grow. To compete effectively - - even if you weren't going to grow, just to maintain your position - - you look at who you're competing with. And everyone you're competing with is changing to get better, sometimes dramatically.

There is one pressing need, we think, to help us compete, and that is the need to define our season, .. That relates to, first of all, creating a real season, which would include a year-long competition and a dramatic finish to that competition.

What tournaments want to do, typically, is support charities in their community that need the money and charities that are impactful to their community. The better the job the tournament does for the charities, the better they are able to sell the tournament and raise money for the charity.

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