I'm as lame as all dads are.

Reagan was the conservative Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

With comedy, you really want to work things out beforehand.

I went to the prom with a girlfriend of my sister's, a platonic date.

Working with Lucille Ball was just a master class in how to do comedy.

I love JFK. My mother had been a worker on his campaign and adored him.

The great thing about theater is the doing it again and again and again.

I love J. F. K. My mother had been a worker on his campaign and adored him.

As an actor and a director, I always let my actors go... assuming they have good ideas.

I'd come up with one leg in theater, but never my first leg. I loved the camera too much.

I enjoy making feature films, but I'd rather be in a good TV series than mediocre movies.

Life has its ups and downs, so to expect otherwise is setting yourself up for disappointment.

I have a paper, pencil, and ink sketch for a Mickey Mouse cartoon short entitled 'Mickey's Garden' from 1935.

I allow myself to have my feelings of disappointment and discouragement, but never to sit and wallow in them.

I always wanted to be an actor. I was one of those lucky kids - or cursed kids - who always knew what he wanted to do.

Change is good, and ultimately, creating a new path at this point in my life is energizing, creative, and rejuvenating.

I like thrillers. That's a genre that I'm really taken with. I love Hitchcock, that thriller style. I'm a student of it.

Acting requires emotional flexibility and demands, and directing is more cerebral and managerial and a tactical kind of thing.

Anything is better than sitting around waiting for the right movie to come along. I lose my edge when I'm sitting around the pool not working.

I kept thinking that with all those first jobs, "This is the beginning of something!" And then nothing would happen. That's the real Hollywood.

If I was asked to do a film that was just trying to sell a political point of view or religious point of view, I wouldn't do that because that's a bad script.

It's the kind of sage wisdom coming from a guy who was 25 at the time, but already had 20 years of experience. Kurt Russell is a wonderful actor and a great guy.

I am inspired by music, travel, great architecture, and good, healthy food. I look for opportunities to learn about history, art, and cooking. When I learn, I grow.

I love horror films. And I like chick flicks! I like to approach the different genres of moviemaking and explore them. And you get a little better the more you do them.

Rod Lurie is one of the most wonderful directors I have had the pleasure to work with. He shoots like Clint Eastwood: no fuss. When he gets it, he knows it - one or two takes.

Tucker's Witch was the first television I'd done in a while. It was just before Moonlighting, and just before you could get a little more outrageous on TV. We had a great premise.

As a director, I know everybody's job, and I know how to do it. I can smell bullshit when someone's telling me it can't be done, because I've seen it done a hundred thousand times.

For me, all collecting must be done out of the love of the art. That being said, investment knowledge is absolutely mandatory so that you are really buying what you think you are buying.

I understood the workmanlike quality of a good stand-up. They all have this. There's a technique for everything you do. But boy, it's tough, 'cause there ain't anybody else out there but you.

Vice president is the bridesmaid, and nobody cares about you. Nobody wants you. You're just in the way. You're there to play a subsidiary role. You're like the middle child or the poor relation.

When I was a kid, at Disneyland, they used to sell Animation Cels for $5.00 at a Fantasyland store. They were called Courvoisier Cels. I was too young to be aware of just how cool that really was.

In my experience, I have learned that there is rarely the perfect man for the perfect job, but Reagan was born to play the role of president. He was an inspirational leader when the country really needed it.

I learned a hell of a lot from my co-star, Kurt Russell. He's one of my closest friends and was one of my best teachers. He was the pro. He approached it like a baseball player. Acting is a contact sport to him.

I've played historical characters before, and I think the trap of all of them is if you try to do an impression. If that's what you're working on when you're doing a scene, then your focus is on the wrong thing.

Funny is funny. You can be fooled by the eye, but if your performance is funny to the ear, it will be funny. I think it's that if you don't have the visual, you have to infuse the full personality into the voice.

'Animal House' was sort of the first real, contemporary, youthful voice of the baby boom generation. It spoke to that audience, and it spoke to that part of me which was saying, 'Out with the old, in with the new.'

Going through a divorce after twenty-five years of marriage was the most difficult time for me. It was challenging to reorient my life from being centered around family, a family home, and a long-term relationship.

I love Sam Raimi. 'Evil Dead 2' is one of my favorite films. It's one of the best cheaper horror films I've ever seen. Horror films and suspense films can be made on a low budget without big stars and be very effective.

Meeting Jerry Mathers I remember thinking, "This is it, man. This is the Hollywood life! I'm an actor and I'm going to Jerry's party. This is how it begins!" I was 13 or 14, and I thought this was the beginning of something.

I was directing as a kid in movies, and that was always my strongest interest. When I was under contract at Universal, I conned an editing room out of them and spent my money to rent a camera and shoot film and make some movies.

I was just dying to get out of the constraints of television, and the constraints of the parts I'd been playing. I had taken a bunch of improv classes and was performing with The Groundlings. I wanted to get into more adult, risky stuff.

I am pretty relentless about exercise. I love working out and doing cardiovascular workouts. I'm now doing the Whole Life Challenge to discover the unhealthy patterns in my diet and to adjust them to more reasonable levels. And more yoga!

Working with Steven Spielberg, how bad could it be? But "1941" was one of those excessively big movies where every action scene was done and re-done and re-done again. It was so overproduced and overly expensive. And it wasn't terribly funny.

My parents were going through a divorce, and I used to go spend all weekend at the movies to get away from it all. There was something about the sameness of the movies. It was a place for me to go to express my emotions, you know, and let it out.

We wanted to make Tucker's Witch just more human and playful, because I don't think we see enough playfulness between characters on TV. It's like, "Who really gives a damn about two detectives on a case?" The sillier we went, the better it worked.

When you're the president, there's tremendous respect, and everybody goes out of their way respecting you and honoring you... it can be a trap. Nobody says 'Boo' to you, and nobody tells you you're wrong, hardly, if you have the wrong people around you.

You know, I'm a big comic book fan. As a kid I used to collect them until there was a horrible mudslide in Hollywood and I lost my collection, but I was also at an early age the voice of 'Jonny Quest;' it was a cartoon; so I am kind of a latent fan boy.

I think it's that if you don't have the visual, you have to infuse the full personality into the voice. Think of Daffy Duck. I mean, what the heck? I was playing around with the Daffy Duck voice today when I was coming back from driving my kid to school.

Whenever I study a genre of film-making, Steve Spielberg is the first guy I go to. Even Catch Me If You Can, which is a very lightweight kind of thing, if you just look at the economy of the way he designs his shots and works around actors, the craft is amazing.

I allow myself to have my feelings of disappointment and discouragement, but never to sit and wallow in them. I meditate on positive energy, goals, and long-term happiness. Life has its ups and downs, so to expect otherwise is setting yourself up for disappointment.

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