Oysters are the devil's food. Not a fan!

I think I've started to dream in American a little bit.

As an actor, I enjoy variety. That's a big thing for me.

It's an old joke: All evil people in movies are British.

Being on the floor of a TV show is sometimes a quite frustrating experience.

In terms of, like, getting into a mindset, I use music all the time when I'm working.

When you're a drama student, I think the most you hope for is to make a living out of acting.

My mum was a music teacher. I've got three sisters, and we all played instruments when we were kids.

Trying to find a human side to the character is a way to give them a chance to have people like them.

One of the biggest heroes and influences of mine, especially acting and working in comedy, is Steve Coogan.

Being a son of the pastor, I was never allowed to play Joseph or any of the big parts for political reasons.

I come from a religious family - my father is a pastor, my uncle, my sister and her husband are a pastor team.

We're characters not of this world, so our knowledge about stuff, that other character's don't have, is quite fun.

I have a transient lifestyle. America is where I come to work, but my home is London. I like being bi-continental.

When you have hardcore fans of something like 'Miranda,' people can't see you any other way than Gary Preston, which is fair enough.

I wanted to work on a cable show and with a writer/director because that's a much more fulfilling and freeing experience, as an actor.

I've worked a lot in comedy. As much as I love playing dramatic roles, it's always nice to be able to have some humor around when working.

The fact that you can say stuff to people that other people are only thinking is always fun. It's a great tool for comedic moments, as well.

I've been acting for many years, and the more you do, the more confidence you get about "this is my career and this is what I'm going to be doing."

During the pilot, director Len Wiseman and I discussed how Lucifer views humanity, and we can came up with this notion that he sees them as lab rats.

The last TV show I really indulged in was 'Breaking Bad,' and I was in such a state of mourning when it ended. I've got to choose my next one carefully.

There's something really charming about a character that is fundamentally flawed and does some pretty despicable things, but yet you still kind of love him.

'Rush' was an interesting experience for me because I loved that show, and I loved playing that part, and most people I spoke to who watched it really enjoyed it.

Lucifer has a sense of fun about life; he just likes to play with people. But the sense of humor of the show is what makes the show entertaining as opposed to dark.

The weird thing about drama school is that you train for three years for one thing and then more often than not, it's something that you haven't trained for that you end up doing.

The weird thing about drama school is that you train for three years for one thing, and then, more often than not, it's something that you haven't trained for that you end up doing.

I grew up on the very human side of Christianity, so messages in the household I grew up in were about peace, love, and being understanding of everybody, which I think is quite cool.

This is going to sound so boring, but I play golf in Hertfordshire at a club called Sandy Lodge just by Moor Park Tube station. It's where I unwind and don't think about anything else.

What people like to comment on a lot is that I grew up in a religious family; my father is a pastor, and now I'm playing the devil. Thankfully, my family see the humorous side of the job.

Every time I get in an Uber in L.A., they're like, 'Oh, great accent. Are you from Australia?' I constantly have to repeat myself when I'm in North America because no one understands a word I'm saying.

My eldest daughter's been to a few sets of mine and gets spoiled when she's doing her nails, her hair. Though more often than not, you bring them to set, and they realize the filming process is pretty boring.

If I'm going to put my name to something and commit to something that's going to take up a lot of my time, it has to be something that I know is going to be enjoyable and worth my while. Otherwise, what's the point?

The thing about Lucifer is that by the end of the first season, his world is falling apart a bit. Anyone that he could call an ally or trust, he now can't, and that leaves him in a place that he's never been before.

When I was eight or nine, I came to London for the day from Swindon and went to The National Gallery. I remember standing in Trafalgar Square with my best friend Tim, who was covered in pigeons because I put bird seed on his head.

I couldn't afford to go to drama school in London. Then I met with the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, and I fell in love with the city. It was one of the few schools that offered me a place. It didn't do me any harm.

You're always asking yourself, are you doing the best for your child? And other parents let you know if you're not, just not in a direct way. There's a sense of competition, which is ridiculous because you know deep down you're all suffering.

I turn to my wife for everything. Her success has never affected her as a person - she's incredibly loyal. We laugh together; we share everything, and she still surprises me. When I saw her in 'Sweet Charity,' I was so proud to say, 'That's my wife.'

You meet Rush at a certain point in his life where he's made a decision that he's going to not live by the moral code of being a doctor. He's decided to disengage with that side of his life for various reasons, which we find out through the first season.

For the show, it's really important that we remember that Lucifer is the Devil. It's important for Lucifer sometimes to remember that he's the Devil: to keep the notion that he is a wild animal that is seemingly being tamed but, at any moment, could snap.

I'm in the Apple store on Regent Street far too much; I'm obsessed by whatever the latest Apple gadget is. For clothes, I love to shop in Liam Gallagher's shop Pretty Green on Carnaby Street, or Cult Clothing in Crouch End, for Original Penguin and G-Star.

My life changed in 2005 on the day I met my wife, Tamzin. She was in a play called 'Breathing Corpses' with James McAvoy, one of my best mates from drama school. I knew who she was, and I'd fancied her quite a bit when she played Melanie Owen in 'EastEnders.'

One of the big parts of my decision-making process is knowing that when you're signing up for something, you're signing up for multiple seasons, should it be successful, and in theory, you want it to be successful, but you also want to be doing something that you're enjoying.

As an actor, I enjoy variety. That's a big thing for me. So, if I'm going to put my name to something and commit to something that's going to take up a lot of my time, it has to be something that I know is going to be enjoyable and worth my while. Otherwise, what's the point?

My take on 'Lucifer' was pretty much laid down by Tom Kapinos when he wrote the original pilot script for it. I remember reading it for the first time, and I was about four or five pages in, thinking this is so funny, and I know how I would want to do this if I was going to do it.

A lot of actors would tell you that they'd rather play the villain than the hero. When you're the character, there are no repercussions. So there is a kind of liberating feeling about saying certain things to certain people - and I think that it's always quite satisfying to do that.

Both my daughters are both so unimpressed when they see me on television. I want them to say, 'Oh, Dad!' But I say, 'Who's that?' and they say 'Dad' with no real interest, even if I'm wearing a long wig and riding on a horse! I think I'll have to read a 'CBeebies' bedtime story instead.

To be in a show like 'Miranda' that captures everyone's imagination is amazing, but it's hard when people can't see beyond that. I started travelling to North America because 'Miranda' was so popular in the U.K.; I always knew I wanted to challenge myself and not go for the obvious roles.

I think about the movie 'Jaws.' They had this state-of-the-art animatronic shark, but it kept breaking down, which kept delaying the filming. So, they had to use it very sparingly, but it became why the film was so good because you never saw the shark. You only heard about it, and it was suggested.

I had been quite judicious about the scripts I was reading, but nothing was really taking my fancy until I pulled this script out: 'Lucifer.' I have to say, within about three or four pages, I thought it was hilarious; I laughed out loud a couple of times and knew this is the one that I wanted to do.

I've been acting for 15 years now, and the more you do, the more confidence you get about 'this is my career, and this is what I'm going to be doing.' Since I've started coming to the States, I've had a really great response. It's given me a lot of confidence to be more judicious about my own choices.

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