To work is to feel alive.

I've never worked a day in my life.

I always feel the audience is my best teacher.

It helps to know there is going to be continuity.

If you are creative, you get busier as you get older.

Fame comes and goes. Longevity is the thing to aim for.

If you follow your passion, you'll never work a day in your life.

The whole music world is based on the young, the very young people.

When the uncreative tell the creative what to do, it stops being art.

I have a very strong passion to sing and paint. I'm really a student.

If music sounds dated, it means it wasn't very good in the first place.

I plan to do my next two albums with Lady Gaga . She is quite a talent.

I can't ask for more out of life, and the more I learn, the less I know.

No-one will ever sound as good as Judy Garland as far as I am concerned.

The singers who are the most honest are the ones who become immortalized.

My goal as a creative person is to express truth and beauty in whatever I do

Every city I go to is an opportunity to paint, whether it's Omaha or Hawaii.

Lady Gaga is the Picasso of the entertainment world. She's very intelligent.

I knew very early that somehow I would sing and draw and paint my whole life.

I don't look down to an audience. I look up to them. They respond to quality.

I still insist that American performers are the best performers in the world.

"Benedetto" means the "blessed one" and I feel that I have truly been blessed.

Gaga is a gorgeous singer, and when she sings a great ballad, I get goose bumps.

I still feel that I can get better somehow. And I search for it all of the time.

I have an awful lot to learn. My dream is to get better and better as I get older.

I still have a lot to learn. I'm concentrating on learning a lot more about music.

I don't disrespect the audience. I only sing very well-written, intelligent songs.

More than anybody else I'd like to thank Count Basie for teaching me how to perform.

It sounds so simple, but if you just be yourself, you're different than anyone else.

More than anybody else I’d like to thank Count Basie for teaching me how to perform.

I study nature, and I realize that no matter how much you learn, you can't top nature.

Every show is different. The public has always been nice to me. I'm fortunate that way.

I've been very fortunate. I'm doing what I love, and I'm getting away with it, you know?

I consider myself a method singer, not a method actor. I applied method acting to singing.

I get up, and boy, I can't wait to paint and study music and keep learning. I just love it.

I want to try to prove that at 100, I could sing as well as I was singing when I was 45 or 43.

As a young boy, I did a lot of foolish things. I made a lot of mistakes. And you live and learn.

I think one of the reasons I'm popular again is because I'm wearing a tie. You have to be different.

I'll call it a day when I die. It's a wonderful occupation for me. I've never worked a day in my life.

The bottom line of any country is: what did we contribute to the world? We contributed Louis Armstrong.

I loved Art Tatum! And, through him, and other different jazz musicians, I actually found my technique.

I take care of myself. I work out three times a week. I have a trainer, and we just work out for an hour.

Singing intimately is almost like thinking into a microphone, so it helps to have the song buried inside you.

I grew up in an era where the record companies just sold records to everybody, and the whole family bought songs.

Just give a drum roll, announce my name & I come out & sing. I have a contract that says I'm a singer. So I sing.

I think if you have a passion for what you do then there are no limitations on how long or how much you can accomplish.

When you get older, you don't have to eat a lot. I get my rest and sleep very well at night. It keeps me very balanced.

Someday, when I'm awfully low, and the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight.

I respected Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra. Those were my heroes, and they were 10 years older than I was.

I try to tell the story about the song with the believability that I've lived it myself and I understand what it's all about.

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