Jesus wants men who will rule well.

The Bible is the voice of God in print.

Faith doesn't make sense. It makes miracles.

Faith is acting like God is telling the truth.

God is the source. Everything else is a resource.

If God is your problem, only God is your solution.

It's easier to shape a child than to repair an adult.

Our God is a great coach, and he's got a great playbook.

You cannot read the Bible and ignore the political realm.

Don't wait until you are a big shot to do big shot things.

Trials are to see if you believe what you say you believe.

Brokenness is often the road to breakthrough. Be encouraged.

God established the family as the foundation of civilization.

Ministry burnout is a real problem because it's never-ending.

I condemn racism on all levels, whether personal or systemic.

When I was younger, I had a terrible problem with stuttering.

The exclusion of God automatically means the inclusion of evil.

God's timing is always perfect. Trust His delays. He's got you.

Prayer is God's backstage pass into a personal audience with Him.

Ladies, you do not have to submit yourself to any man abusing you.

Insisting on living in your past will kill your future. Let it go.

If the Lord is your shepherd, He is sufficient for all your needs.

The issue of race is not an issue of choice. It's an issue of birth.

Racial distinctions should not be rejected; they should be embraced.

God only promises to bless the nation that recognizes His authority.

The primary cause of this national crisis is the feminization of men.

Don't magnify your problems, magnify your God...he's got you covered.

The separation of church and state is a suburban, not an urban, issue.

In order to impact our society, we need to first model unity in the church.

We should love people, care about people regardless of where they come from.

Biblical justice is the equitable application of God's moral law in society.

People wonder why they have so little of God when God has so little of them.

Separation of church and state should never mean separation of God and right.

It often takes the darkness of a storm to show us the light of God's presence.

There is no area of life that does not have a biblical worldview attached to it.

The cross is to be our point of reference for every area of our lives all the time.

The more people marginalize the true God of the Bible the more chaotic things become.

The Church has failed to be a positive influence for good in our nation and our world.

The more people marginalize the true God of the Bible, the more chaotic things become.

God can take the good, bad and the bitter and create a masterpiece called your destiny.

When you repent and operate on God's standards, now you have restoration and reconciliation.

Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover He is the Rock at the bottom.

God doesn't need a lot to do a lot. All David had was five stones. And all David used was one.

If you have faith, you can do what others can't do, because you can see what others can't see.

Don't you understand, mister, you are royalty and God has chosen you to be priest of your home?

If there is one thing you can count on in your life, it's that your path will not always be easy.

I have always and will always stand on behalf of justice and do not condone oppression in any form.

Don't worry about locating your purpose. If you are seeking after God, your purpose will locate you.

Peace doesn't mean that you will not have problems. Peace means that your problems will not have you.

When you carry the WEIGHT of yesterday, it will ruin the POWER of today and the PROGRESS of tomorrow.

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