I want to be a cool mom.

I want to be a loving mom.

We are a very crafty family.

Bad shopping habits die hard.

Little boys are a ton of fun.

I'm all for same-sex marriage.

I want to be a mom who listens.

I'm scared of screwing up my kids.

I need to work to support my family.

I never thought I'd have a daughter.

I love drag queens and they love me.

My reality is the misconceptions about me.

Love is pure and true; love knows no gender.

I'm lucky that I have such a hands on husband.

I love crafting and cooking, doing all of that.

I'm eating healthy, I just have a crazy lifestyle.

I am bundle of nerves riddled with irrational fears.

My whole life story is kind of a backhanded compliment.

You know, you only get one family, and you have to make it work.

I was always cast doing something athletic. I can't do a cartwheel.

Audiences could never relate to me as anything other than Tori Spelling.

I am now officially ordained. Yep, that's right - Reverend Tori Spelling!

I feel like the second child feels like they have to do everything faster.

I never care about myself out in public when I get the paparazzi swarming me.

I thought that once we were out of the baby stage, parenting would be a breeze.

It would be pretty funny to see a Beverly Hills white girl with mad rap skills.

Oh my God, I'm not anorexic. I acknowledge that I look thin in photos. I get it.

I'm never as happy as when I'm pregnant. I literally would have 10 babies if I could!

I've had the two procedures that probably every other woman in Hollywood has had done.

I just want to have a great relationship with my child and have a great family dynamic.

I make lots of casseroles that have protein, veggies, carbs and good fats all together.

With two kids it's hard to find down time to write so I often write during their nap time.

If I ever had the time to take on another job, being a party planner would be high on my list.

In all honesty, I grew up a certain way. I never had to worry about money. That was my reality.

I would eat healthy at times and pig out at times. But I never had to go on a strict diet plan.

I am a huge fan of gays. They love me, and I love them. They think of me as sort of a gay icon.

In all honesty, I grew up a certain way. I never had to worry about money... that was my reality.

I'm so blessed to have as many jobs that I have, but I do agree that there needs to be some downtime.

All it takes is for one person to say you’re ugly, and you’re like, I guess I’m ugly. And that was it.

Sometimes I do envision just being a stay at home mom but not working isn't an option for me currently.

My mother is who she is. I've become who I am. At some point I realized those two just didn't go together.

I do have odd habits. I check under my bed every night for the bogeyman. That's just a little thing, though.

I just wanna thank all those amazing Internet bloggers out there that hate me day-to-day. I love you! You rock!

I've been a target my entire life. At this point, there's nothing anyone can say that will faze me. Bring it on!

It's much harder to give up on family.Deep down you want it to work so badly that you keep making the same mistake.

I love sharing my stories and experiences with people and connecting to them on both a humorous and emotional level.

I'm not happy not doing anything. When positive things are rolling in, you've got to take them when you can get them.

We are not defined by the family into which we are born, but the one we choose and create. We are not born, we become.

I know most people always thank people for believing in them - I actually want to thank people that didn't believe in me.

During my first pregnancy, I spent a lot of time worrying about how big I was getting and how I would lose it afterwards.

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