Material things aren't important to me.

Three English bulldogs count for one kid.

I've always been a very self-aware person.

I always try to sacrifice my body for the team.

I do have a trophy room. It's in my attic in boxes.

When I cook, it's something nobody else would enjoy.

Orthodox chanting is non-emotional; it's very monotone.

Orthodox chanting is non-emotional, it's very monotone.

My best vacation memory is getting barreled at the beach in Hawaii.

The greatest thing for me football-wise is that it's a test of will.

When I'm done playing football, I just might be the couch potato dad.

The barefoot component of my training is about strengthening the toes.

Any time you can squeeze out the opportunity to get better, you should.

My hair has become part of my identity; it's almost an appendage to me.

Probably the label 'Jesus freak' is fine with me. Because I know who I am.

Football doesn’t define me. It’s what I do [and] how I carry out my faith.

We're a road team. We're the Pittsburgh Steelers. We have fans everywhere.

My wife is Greek. I was a non-denomination Christian before we got married.

When I let my hair down, I just let it down. It's more comfortable in my helmet.

I don't feel that I need a tattoo to represent myself as a Samoan or a Christian.

I try to take what's given to me and then mold it to be a better football player.

God has control over everything, and obviously, everything to everyone is god-given.

I have developed a Samoan mentality. You have to be a gentleman everywhere but on the field.

Football is pretty much played 16 times a year, where training is kind of a year-round thing.

On the field is a place where you can just let it loose and react to everything with violence.

It's important for me to have strong hair in case someone pulls it and tries to rip it all out.

It's the perfect environment for prayer. Chanting in Greek is like a beautiful opera, but way better.

People call me crazy and a madman. Even 'Tasmanian Devil.' I'd rather be called the 'Tasmanian Angel.'

It's the perfect environment for prayer. Chanting in Greek... is like a beautiful opera, but way better.

Being patient ... and not becoming too stressed out over the big plays, those are the things to remember.

I take pride in my life-my wife, my family. I try my best not to have football define the person that I am.

I love Hawaii. I really enjoy surfing in Oahu, and Waianae is such a great area. And Maui - I like Maui a lot, too.

Some of us might not understand why LeBron James is the way he is, but fortunately he found his great craft in life.

The greatest joy I get is setting up plays for somebody else. I take a lot of pride in helping other people make plays.

Whenever I do the sign of the cross, it always brings comfort in situations when you are faced with adversity and stress.

I know where I'm supposed to be at the time of the snap. Now, where the play dictates I'm going to go is a different story.

Being compared to the greatest-ever safety is pretty ridiculous. I continue to work toward that, but I'm not there and I know that.

A demon, in a way, is a test of your faith. Because if you're doing God's work, there's no reason for any demon to do anything to you.

Playing professional sports, it's important to eat healthy and take care of your body. In the offseason, rest is really important to me.

A big hit is all part of the game. If you want to make a lot of big hits, you forget about the one you just made and move onto the next one.

I became a millionaire overnight by signing a piece of paper. I made more money in that one second than my entire family did in their lifetime.

Our sport is not made for anybody to be able to play it, especially at the NFL level, so there's obviously some risk that we all take knowingly.

America needs football. It's a real blue-collar sport; it's played with a blue-collar mentality, a mentality that's the backbone of this country.

The Coca-Cola Mean Joe Greene ad is one of the most famous commercials of all time, so I was blown away when they asked me to be in this new spot.

I've never thought about the end of my career. I've had this growing motto in my life to live day to day - and when you live day to day, it's hard to talk years.

Throughout history, every great warrior-the Greeks, the Samurais, the American Indians, the Mongolians, you name it-had long hair and would dress it before battle.

I knew that I had it tough compared to children around me. But I felt like I needed it. I think I had the wisdom as a child to know that it would help me later on.

I've always been fascinated by the military, the discipline they have and the sacrifices they make to defend the country. It's something I've always been interested in.

As a territory, American Samoa has no representation in the U.S. Senate, and we Samoans lost a respected and powerful ally with the passing of Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye.

I have read the Bible many times. But after fasting, and being baptized Orthodox, it's like reading a whole new Bible. You see the depth behind the words so much more clearly.

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