I'm very competitive.

I was certain I was going to do something in sports.

Acting is about acting, not about being a movie star.

Leaving GH was not my choice. I wanted to stay and work out a deal, and that was not an option to me.

Leaving 'GH' was not my choice. I wanted to stay and work out a deal, and that was not an option to me.

Being on daytime TV has its benefits. You can still have a life and you know you have a check coming every week.

You hope for the best, but it's really OK if you don't win. They say it's just nice to be nominated, and it really is.

The key is to keep improving. I'm not there yet. I know I have to keep trying to improve and keep trying to get faster.

I have zero idea of what my involvement with 'The Lying Game' is going to be. I'm a character that may or may not be permanently involved.

Working with my new coach has helped a lot. I've been a lot more focused and I'm doing all the little things in order to get faster. It's been a total lifestyle change really.

One thing I savor about what I do is the relationships that I've earned over the years. Becky Herbst and I have been working together for 17 years. I've seen how everything has evolved over the years, and I've seen all three of her kids being born. Because it's personal, I would have to say I'd like to see him with Elizabeth.

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