It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey ...

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.

The king was pregnant.

Greed puts out the sun.

Dreams take short cuts.

Hope is a slow business.

I write with all my heart

Ignorant power is a bane!

As a writer, you are free.

Go to bed; tired is stupid.

Alone, no one wins freedom.

To hear, one must be silent.

In war everybody is a prisoner.

At the pit's bottom is no anger.

Age and illness made one a dualist

Progress means nothing to presence.

What is more arrogant than honesty?

Success is somebody else's failure.

Owning is owing, having is hoarding.

Truth, as ever, avoids the stranger.

We broke the world to make it whole.

First sentences are doors to worlds.

Infinite are the arguments of mages.

Manipulated, one manipulates others.

Truth is a matter of the imagination.

There is no kingdom like the forests.

We read books to find out who we are.

There's no way to use power for good.

To oppose something is to maintain it.

To light a candle is to cast a shadow.

Statesmen remember things selectively.

The machine conceals the machinations.

Where there's property, there's theft.

Not even need and love can defeat fate.

The light is the left hand of darkness.

Paradise is for those who make paradise.

Despair speaks evenly, in a quiet voice.

True understanding is the spur of genius

Even a poet cannot get everything right.

Fire and fear, good servants, bad lords.

In art, 'good enough' is not good enough.

Belief in the lie is the life of the lie.

Belief is the wound that knowledge heals.

You cannot blame everything on the enemy.

Love is the true condition of human life.

It is useless work that darkens the heart.

If civilization has an opposite, it is war.

One must work with time and not against it.

If they come prying they can leave curious.

The wise needn't ask, the fool asks in vain.

To have a choice at all is to be privileged.

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