No darkness lasts forever. And even there, there are stars.

Secondhand experience breaks down a block from the car lot.

To see a candle's light one must take it into a dark place.

Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings

A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it.

To make a thief, make an owner; to create crime, create laws.

All men were alien one to another, at times, not only aliens.

The desire for power feeds off itself, growing as it devours.

Fiction—and poetry and drama— cleanse the doors of perception.

It is very hard for evil to take hold of the unconsenting soul.

One man may as easily destroy, as govern: be King or Anti-King.

The world is in balance . To light a candle is to cast a shadow.

Almost anything carried to a logical extreme becomes depressing.

Scientific truth will out, you can't hide the sun under a stone.

Life goes on, even if two-headed and glowing faintly in the dark.

I am no more lonely than the loon on the pond that laughs so loud.

Having one king, one god, one belief, they can act single-mindedly.

But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them.

One voice speaking truth is a greater force than fleets and armies.

there are times when you have to speak because silence is betrayal.

Compare the torrent and the glacier. Both get where they are going.

Excess is excrement, ... Excrement retained in the body is a poison.

The only questions that really matter are the ones you ask yourself.

Darkness is only in the mortal eye, that thinks it sees, but sees not.

I'd rather get bad news from an honest man than lies from a flatterer.

It is hard to swear when sex is not dirty and blasphemy does not exist.

To learn a belief without the belief is to sing a song without the tune.

Nobody who says, ‘I told you so’ has ever been, or will ever be, a hero.

But need alone is not enough to set power free: there must be knowledge.

I am living in a nightmare, from which from time to time I wake in sleep.

I have decided that the trouble with print is, it never changes its mind.

There is no information about corporations. There is only disinformation.

Fantasy is probably the oldest literary device for talking about reality.

It is a real wilderness, and those who go there should not feel too safe.

Sure, it's simple, writing for kids... Just as simple as bringing them up.

Have you never thought how danger must surround power as shadow does light?

The word must be heard in silence; there must be darkness to see the stars.

Everything gives way before the recurring torment and festivity of passion.

There are things that outweigh comfort, unless one is an old woman or a cat.

Genre is a useful concept only when used not evaluatively but descriptively.

The bond between true lovers is as close as we come to what endures forever.

Music is another way of thinking, or maybe thinking is another kind of music.

I hope you are never victims, but I hope you have no power over other people.

George, it's impossible to correct a defective reality-orientation overnight.

Elegance is a small price to pay for enlightenment, and I was glad to pay it.

I've got some gift for languages. You follow your gift. But Latin's not easy.

Wrongs done could not be righted, but at least they were not still being done.

Claude Levi-Strauss has been a great source of fruitful irritation to my mind.

What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice.

There is a limited number of plots. There is no limit to the number of stories.

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