I love to be surprised.

Faith is important to me.

I chase after inspiring stories.

I don't necessarily need Hollywood.

Honesty is not synonymous with truth.

Music is what our feelings sound like.

Esquire needs to be more like a mommy blog

I've played a lot of mothers in my movies.

There's no wrong way to experience a film.

I was very studious and square in college.

In the quiet moments, the discoveries are made.

Do I pray? Yes. Prayer is very important to me.

The Ukrainian community is tight-knit by nature.

I think maybe I was a shepherdess in a past life.

I've never graced the cover of a fashion magazine.

You dont necessarily have to be religious to pray.

You don't necessarily have to be religious to pray.

I rely on my directors, a lot. I love being directed.

You dont have to be gay to be attracted to your friend.

You don't have to be gay to be attracted to your friend.

My husband is my best friend; he knows my sensibilities.

You ought to have a perspective when you're making a film.

I always thought Uncle Vanya could be a stoned masterpiece.

I have tender, romantic associations with upstate New York.

I think God gave us senses of humor, and we should use them.

The writers could always do an about-face and change everything

I think the worst thing that can happen to a good actor is fame.

The experience of giving birth itself made me feel more womanly.

It's true: I don't remember what life was like before parenthood.

I, for one, am tired of seeing movies about men damaging each other.

The fears and anxieties and obsessions wrapped up in being a parent.

I look for struggle in the roles I choose - struggle and perseverance.

I'm a full-time mom. I've never felt as prepared, as before maternity.

As an actor, you're sort of the court-appointed lawyer for the character.

Chekhov, when it's done well and you're ready for it, can actually be quite funny.

I'm part wood nymph. I require mountains and warm, dense patches of moss to thrive.

I'm from the school of, 'if you want more, you have to require more from yourself.'

Whether we call it religion or faith, we all battle for a balanced integrated soul.

Normally, I rely heavily on my director to massage me out of my actor comfort zones.

Your soul either feels lifted by something that you read, or it feels squashed by it.

It's terrifying to be the lead. There's a moment of excitement, and then pure terror.

Editing is not a part of the filmmaking process I've ever been privy to as an actress.

Esquire's all about mommy issues now. Breastfeeding, vaccinations, playdate etiquette.

I think that films about faith made for faith-based communities have a certain tactic.

Patrick sort of had a very pragmatic, practical, Ed-like approach and went down to see.

Honestly, I think a good film is spiritual, regardless of whether its subject is faith.

There's just a deeper level of sophistication in the writing of female characters on TV.

Sometimes I attract roles that are necessary either for personal growth or enlightenment.

Am I ambitious? I used to be afraid of that word but now I think ambition is a good thing.

We take a lot for granted as second wave feminists, what our mothers and aunts did for us.

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