I'm a big TV show guy.

The world can be very cruel.

I want to achieve great things.

Life is too short to be negative.

Anything is possible in football.

I hate losing, like everyone else.

It's the media who love statistics.

Ronaldinho - he was one of my idols.

Every step of my career was hard work.

As a defender I try to keep clean sheets.

I have improved since I joined Liverpool.

Fear is not something we feel at Liverpool.

I think Messi is the best player in the world.

I've known my best friend since I was 12 or 13.

There is always room for improvement in our game.

It's great to get recognition from other players.

Winning a trophy is important for your mentality.

I've been progressing as a player and as a person.

I think as a central defender you grow as a player.

The only thing I want to do is focus and get better.

The bigger you get as a player, the bigger the spotlight.

I love playing for Liverpool, I am proud to wear the shirt.

It was always a dream of mine to play in the Premier League.

In every team there are going to be moments of vulnerability.

I'm a big fan of 'Prison Break' - I've watched it eight times.

Everyone that plays for Liverpool always stays in the Liverpool family.

At Liverpool, we are all part of one unit, not just the 11 on the pitch.

Why make things difficult? Why have tough times when it's not necessary?

To play with pressure is always a good thing. I like to play with pressure.

There's always things to improve, you can't be satisfied with what you have.

There are plenty of good central defenders around and I enjoy watching them.

The main thing is to try to put in your head that we all start from the bottom.

Marco van Basten - I never saw him properly play but I know he was pretty good.

I am very happy with it, it is a great honour to be the captain of your country.

I think the mindset is always to think that you are never going to play pain-free.

I think it is a very important thing in football to keep each other awake and alert.

I don't really care, if somebody boos me or boos the team, we're trying to win the game.

All the players in the league, I think, want to play for trophies, want to get trophies.

You need to have dreams, you need to go for it, otherwise why would you be a footballer?

I was very proud to win the PFA trophy because usually an attacker or a midfielder wins it.

I just enjoying playing for Liverpool, it doesn't really matter who is standing next to me.

It's always a great feeling to help Holland as well as Liverpool but we all do it together.

Quite a lot of things are more important than playing football and what we do, we are blessed.

Scoring goals looks nicer and much more attractive than a last-ditch tackle for younger people.

Why be negative when you can enjoy life and be positive? That's something I learned over the years.

I know that life is much more than football. We have family and it's all about being happy and healthy.

The influence of social media is unbelievable. It's sad to see - it's a fake life that some people live.

You have pundits and fans from other teams who will say loads of things and it goes past me. That's life.

I think at a club like Liverpool you always feel a bit of pressure. You should. But it doesn't bother me.

We just need to keep improving. Keep doing what we are doing and get better. That's the only way forward.

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