The beauty of the world, which is so soon to perish, has two edges, ...

The beauty of the world, which is so soon to perish, has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.

One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of ...

One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.

I have had my vision.

Life's bare as a bone.

Life stand still here.

I am rooted, but I flow.

Thinking is my fighting.

How remorseless life is!

One must love everything.

Words belong to each other.

Love had a thousand shapes.

To love makes one solitary.

What a lark! What a plunge!

Marvelous are the innocent.

All extremes are dangerous.

War is not women's history.

Oh, I am in love with life!

Intimacy is a difficult art.

Use words that soak up life.

I prefer men to cauliflowers

Fear no more, says the heart.

As a woman, I have no country

loveliness is infernally sad.

Language is wine upon the lips.

How can I express the darkness?

Soup is cuisines kindest course

We insist, it seems, on living.

Women alone stir my imagination.

For nothing was simply one thing.

to teach without zest is a crime.

Books are the mirrors of the soul.

Tragedies come in the hungry hours.

Theories then are dangerous things.

Thoughts without words… Can that be?

The poet is always our contemporary.

All artists need a room of their own

It is no use trying to sum people up.

A light here required a shadow there.

Arrange whatever pieces come your way.

I will go down with my colours flying.

Life would split apart without letters.

You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

Fatigue is the safest sleeping draught.

I am in the mood to dissolve in the sky.

The artist after all is a solitary being.

It is the duty of the writer to describe.

Criticism? An artist wants praise. Praise.

Life without illusion is a ghostly affair.

Still, life had a way of adding day to day

Well, we must wait for the future to show.

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