I've retired my sneakers for stilettos, baby!

Football players have some bodies! Oh my goodness!

I'm just so glad that girl power is working in Hollywood.

For me, I usually play the kick -butt, strong business type.

I love chilling in a cute sweatsuit and wedge sandals or sneakers.

My favorite piece of furniture is my bed, cause' it's fluffy and so comfortable!

I must always have fresh orange juice, alkaline water and hazelnut creamer for my coffee.

A great figure or physique is nice, but it's self-confidence that makes someone really sexy.

Going from drama to just straight-up comedy with Tommy Davidson and Jamie Foxx - what a blast.

I can play basketball, run track, and play volleyball, so yeah, I've always been an athlete at heart.

I'm so glad that Hollywood and America are embracing women when they get in their 40s instead of putting us out to pasture.

I prefer to do movies, just for the simple fact that in TV, there's not much of a guarantee. They can pull the plug on you.

First thing I do in the morning is give thanks to God for another day, and then turn to HLN News or ESPN to see what's going on in the world.

Cougars are all the rage! I'm so glad that Hollywood and America are embracing women when they get in their 40s instead of putting us out to pasture.

I'm gonna wait for Mr. Right to come along and take my time. I'm just enjoying just having a little me time, you know? But it's not that I'm not taking applications.

I think people lie on the Internet. I would prefer to meet someone in person, and I need to have chemistry when we meet and spend a little time, and have a couple of dates.

What I remember about that experience is that if you went to go see ' Born On The Fourth Of July' and you happened to take a bathroom break real quick or grab some popcorn, you probably missed me. It was short, but it was memorable.

I went to state in track, won the girls' city championship, and did well in volleyball. I was a varsity cheerleader. So you know, shoot, I've got a couple of letters and things! Last I counted, I think there were eight in my mama's house.

I feel like he inherited one of the worst economies than any president has ever, ever inherited. I have met Mr. Obama, President Obama. I supported him in his first campaign, and I feel that he deserves four more years to finish up the job that he started.

When you do a film, you know you're shooting for 6 or 9 weeks, you've got your cast and crew. Overall, no one can just pull the plug and say, 'This isn't working.' There's just no security on television, especially for African Americans. It's a tough market.

I wish, to be honest with you, for African American films that we could get a few more theaters. They only open them in 1500 to 2000 for an opening weekend, and how do you expect us to compete. How can we go to certain box office levels if they don't give us more theaters?

When I started off as an actress, I did at a play at the Taper Too Theatre here in Los Angeles, called 'In The Abyss Of Coney Island.' That was more of a dramatic play. It was a small theater house. This was the first time I was literally on the road, doing a play, for four months.

I don't like to see projects that are all black or all white. It's how life is. I do like to make sure that I do a nice black family film; that's like keeping my home base. I do other things, but I like to always come back to a positive family film, because of all the negative influences today.

I started in junior high doing the splits and flips and that kind of stuff. It was kind of the acceptable thing to do. But I had two older brothers, so I was a tomboy. I was the cute tomboy who could put on the skirt but then go tackle you or something. I was a little rough around the edges for a pretty woman!

Um, 'Soul Food'... Another wonderful little movie that could. Here's a film that, I think our budget was maybe $6 million. We shot it in Chicago in six weeks. I was so proud of the film, because it showed America that an African-American film about family could sell, could do well, could cross over and have true meaning.

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