We are fossils in the making.

Hard writing makes easy reading.

We write to make sense of it all.

Water is the true wealth in a dry land.

This early piece of the morning is mine.

I shall be richer all my life for this sorrow

Wisdom. . .is knowing what you have to accept.

Talent can't be taught, but it can be awakened.

No place is a place until it has found its poet.

Faith can reclaim deserts as well as move mountains.

I may not know who I am, but I know where I am from.

The brook would lose its song if we removed the rocks.

She had rooms in her mind that she would not look into.

Have a chance to create a society to match its scenery.

If we don't know where we are, we don't know who we are.

Do we respond only to people who seem to find us interesting?

There is a sense in which we are all each other's consequences

That is all the National Parks are about. Use, but do no harm.

We do not write what we know; we write what we want to find out.

it is an easy mistake to think that non-talkers are non-feelers.

[I]t is dangerous for a bride to be apologetic about her husband.

In fiction I think we should have no agenda but to tell the truth.

You married me...but you didn't marry what you could make out of me.

Any life will provide the material for writing, if it is attended to.

To have so little, and it of so little value, was to be quaintly free.

If you're going to get old, you might as well get as old as you can get.

You can't retire to weakness -- you've got to learn to control strength.

I balked at nothing, I was above nothing. Everything had something to teach me.

A teacher enlarges people in all sorts of ways besides just his subject matter.

There is nothing like a doorbell to precipitate the potential into the kinetic.

Hope was always out ahead of fact, possibility obscured the outlines of reality.

Are writers reporters, prophets, crazies, entertainers, preachers, judges, what?

We were going to leave a mark on the world but instead the world left marks on us.

Be proud of every scar on your heart, each one holds a lifetime’s worth of lessons.

A writer is an organism that will go on writing even after its heart has been cut out.

It's easier to die than to move ... at least for the Other Side you don't need trunks.

Towns are like people. Old ones often have character, the new ones are interchangeable.

Youth hasn't got anything to do with chronological age. It's times of hope and happiness.

Are you a reader? If you aren't a reader, you might as well forget trying to be a writer.

The meeting of writer and reader is an intimate act, and it properly takes place in private.

He used to tell me, 'Do what you like to do. It'll probably turn out to be what you do best.

Young writers should be encouraged to write, and discouraged from thinking they are writers.

No one who has studied Western history can cling to the belief that the Nazis invented genocide.

Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and only the uprooted comprehend.

The Westerner is less a person than a continuing adaptation. The West is less a place than a process.

No life goes past so swiftly as an eventless one, no clock spins like a clock whose days are all alike.

I consider the integrity of the material to be of greater value than any message I might want to get across.

Most things break, including hearts. The lessons of life amount not to wisdom, but to scar tissue and callus.

We are the only species which, when it chooses to do so, will go to great effort to save what it might destroy.

A political animal can be defined as a body that will go on circulating a petition even with its heart cut out.

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