Be kind to an old man.

And that's the way it is.

I'd like to be a song and dance man.

I think that our comfort is in our history.

Television... is not a substitute for print.

I think people make way too much of ratings.

I'm a liberal, but I'm not biased. Seriously.

Dan Rather and I just aren't especially chummy.

The invasion of Iraq was illegal from the start.

The civil rights fight was a very important fight.

This opens the door on another chapter of history.

Journalism is what we need to make democracy work.

I certainly think cameras ought to be in courtrooms.

I had discovered journalism to be my life's ambition.

I haven't quite got the hang of this retirement thing.

I'm still ready to go to the moon, if they'll take me.

In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.

I do not consider a liberal necessarily to be a leftist.

News reporters are certainly liberal and left of center.

Our task is not to tell the truth; we are opinion molders.

No, I don't think my generation got into this dinosaur thing.

The perils of duck hunting are great- especially for the duck.

The perils of duck hunting are great - especially for the duck.

We have more and more one-newspaper towns, and that troubles me.

Advertising's always been a considerable pressure on publishers.

The 60s undoubtedly were the most turbulent years of the century.

I miss particularly the managing editor role on the 'Evening News.'

Sometimes a famous subject may even outlive his own obituary writer.

The successful landing on the moon, very probably, is the best story.

We cannot defer this responsibility to posterity. Time will not wait.

America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.

It's always hard, after you've been in command, to take a lesser role.

Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy.

I have never voted a party line. I vote on the individual and the issues.

I think the whole policy of pre-emptive war is a serious, serious mistake.

I've gone from the most trusted man in America to one of the most debated.

I guess taking a stand is valid for a commentator. But that's not what I am.

I never had the ambition to be something. I had the ambition to do something.

We are on the precipice of being so ignorant that our democracy is threatened.

I think he [composer Joe Raposo] was the first man who kissed me on the cheek.

I was lucky enough to have one of the first high school classes in the country.

Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your principles.

All through my life, I have never disguised my sentiments about politics in general.

It's hard for us to really understand the immensity so far of the conquest of space.

It's a little hard not to be an elitist when you're making millions of dollars a year.

Our job is only to hold up the mirror - to tell and show the public what has happened.

People who understand music hear sounds that no one else makes when Frank Sinatra sings.

I think we are realizing that we are going to have to have an international rule of law.

There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free, or you are not free.

Beyond being timely, an obituary has a more subjective duty: to assess its subject's impact.

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