I'm in awe of Alexander Rusev.

If you've got the talent it'll shine through.

One man won't make a difference against sixty.

This may sound strange but I don't respect anybody.

I'm not one of those people desperate to get in the ring again.

Very few people get into that category of being a good grafter.

I'm not lying in any way, British fans are the best in the world.

I was the last of the British style that was a big thing in Japan.

I used to work on Blackpool Pleasure Beach when I started wrestling.

WWE has always been committed to promoting wrestling talent in India.

I went off the rails for a few years with drink and different things.

We value the independent wrestling scene, and it's our goal to strengthen it.

It's wonderful to see a young lady headbutt somebody and kick somebody's face.

The days of just being a generic, punch-and-kick wrestler are pretty much over.

A ladder match is a career altering match, the physicality of it is second to none.

Bo Dallas is phenomenal. He's so confident and has this star aura that shines out of him.

If you can roll at every angle, it becomes second nature to protect yourself when you fall.

Jerry Brisco, who is a WWE Hall of Famer, goes out and scouts all of the amateur wrestling.

I have only put my reputation on the line three times with people, Cesaro being one of them.

Unfortunately, sometimes the unexpected can be something that you wish you never encountered.

At the end of the day, who at my age can say that they fought somebody that fought Muhammad Ali?

It's always great to see old friends, especially those I have not been able to see in 15 months.

You have to be able to work as a unit sometimes, in the ring when you're wrestling other people.

If there's an opportunity open that leads to an even bigger opportunity, you're going to take it.

There's no egos, we just want the best show we can put on. That started with NXT and that continues.

I try to keep my own career in check, but when I came to America there were very few people wrestling.

I don't want to watch phoney looking wrestling, nor does any of us anymore - we've seen too much of it.

There's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun as long as I continue to do my duties as General Manager.

Wrestling died. It had a comeback in the early '90s just through word of mouth with Brian Dixon's shows.

If you take yourself too seriously, you've got no chance in this job. You cannot take yourself seriously.

The camaraderie between the athletes is a joy to behold sometimes, because they all help each other along.

Everybody is different; as long as you look like you belong and you can fit in, the world is you oyster now.

My trainer, Marty Jones, was trained by Billy Robinson, so was Johnny Saint and a lot of great British wrestlers.

I usually get a good reaction anywhere in England, but Manchester is the place they go a little more wild for me.

I admire traits in people. I 'respect' certain things about them but I think that word gets thrown around too much.

I'm a little disappointed I didn't get fiddled with by a TSA agent at the airport. I feel unwanted. Maybe next time.

Alexander Rusev is one of the most incredible things I've seen in my entire 30-year career. He's a ferocious monster.

People saw I was in horrendous shape when I was in the WWF. They suggested I go into rehab. I was in that much denial.

Dave Taylor, who was my tag partner in WWE, had a wrestling school close to where we both lived in Georgia for a while.

I didn't know what a good technical wrestler was when I was little - it was people that made me scream or boo or cheer.

In the 27 years I've been doing this I never thought I'd find a better wrestler than me, but I found him. Daniel Bryan.

In my opinion the fans here in the United Kingdom are much more vocal and passionate than WWE fans in the United States.

You've got to embrace whatever is given and make the most of every opportunity to make it funny or to make it memorable.

I'm making a fresh start. That's another reason for the name change from Lord Steven Regal to William Regal here in the WWF.

Just traveling the world, and getting to live the highs and lows of what we do, makes you a better talent and a better performer.

Anytime you can already have somebody in a pinning position where they can't kick out, what better than that for a brilliant man.

The only place to get better is to work in front of a crowd every night, that's when you'll find what really works and what doesn't.

Above anything else - above family or job - the main thing is staying sober. That's because without being sober, I don't have a family.

When I was in WCW I came out the back and found six fellas smashing my car up - that was a nice interaction, I had to run all them off.

NXT is the part of the WWE that is about competition. It's not sports entertainment, it's the pro wrestling side and that's what we do.

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