The great mystery of our consciousness is beyond our grasp.

Energy is the key to creativity. Energy is the key to life.

The more powerful the villain is the more powerful the hero.

I'm a performer, comedian, entertainer, writer and director.

All in all, Kirk's character is something I am very proud of.

My plan has always been to return to Broadway every 50 years.

There was nothing lonelier than a man with a million friends.

I love to evoke the bones and meat and thoughts of characters.

I was built for the long run, not for the short dash, I guess.

I believe that when things happen, they happen with a purpose.

I think the acting satisfies the need and desire for approval.

It's I who have to talk fast. It's you who have to think fast.

A director is a choreographer, both politically and creatively.

At 40, I went to bed for three days. I thought my life is over.

Most people, including myself, keep repeating the same mistakes.

Remember - you can't beam through a force field. So, don't try it.

I always thought that the spine of a character was awe and wonder.

When I direct and have to look at filmed scenes of myself, I suck.

I don't want people to know me. I want them to believe my version.

The conundrum of free will and destiny has always kept me dangling.

My site has the whole thing - blogs, information, video interviews.

I love horses. There's something practical and mystical about them.

I love the concept of togetherness and the entwinement of marriage.

All I know is that I am constantly intrigued by something I'm doing.

When I'm interviewing somebody I don't work from prepared questions.

Being an icon is overrated, remember an icon can be moved by a mouse

If we can clean up our world, I'll bet you we can achieve warp drive.

Everyone knows everything about all of us. That's too much knowledge!

A stage actor has to be 10% aware of the audience as he's performing.

You have to create your life. You have to carve it, like a sculpture.

It's irksome to read about someone I don't recognize. It frightens me.

Captain Kirk has been a source of pleasure and income for a long time.

I like making people laugh. It comes off and shines in everything I do.

I didn't want to do the sitcom thing, but I didn't know what else to do.

Don’t waste your time trying to get into my head. There's nothing there.

I enjoyed reading all the classic authors like Isaac Asimov and Bradbury.

It's easy to say no, I'm not going to do that. I'm not leaving the house.

I can't stand the gossip of celebrities' lives, all the time! Every minute!

You can't do anything about the past. And you don't know what the future is.

Is there a God? There is, but we don't know where. Or who. And, indeed, why.

I've never been without a dog. I've made trips across the country with a dog.

And I enjoyed the celebrity and the creativity that was involved in Star Trek.

The political scene is already so turgid, it doesn't need more of that from me.

My understanding is, the fans are so ravenous in Canada, they gnaw on the stars.

The actor is in the hands of a lot of other people, over which he has no control.

Let women figure out why they won't sleep with you. Don't do their work for them.

The longer I go about living, I see it's the relationship that is most meaningful.

The only subject I know anything about is myself and I don't know that too clearly.

Acting is easier - writing is more creative. The lazy man vies with the industrious.

If I'm given an opportunity to do something, I do it. Or else I fool around with it.

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