I am a glutton for tranquility.

I take friendship very seriously.

Sadness is twilight's kiss on earth.

One has to confront history honestly.

Be yourself. Ultimately just be yourself.

Just like birds, hunters know no borders.

I have one abiding religion-human liberty.

The man dies in all those that keep silent.

If man cannot, what god dare claim perfection?

A tiger does not shout its tigritude, it acts.

Politics, I believe, is a full-time occupation.

I've done a lot of guerrilla theater in my time.

A human feast is an indifferent morsel to a god.

I like my peace and quiet whenever I can grab it.

Society itself is responsible for the degradation.

For me, justice is the prime condition of humanity.

We do not ask the mountain's aid to crack a walnut.

A tiger does not proclaim his tigritude, he pounces.

Education is lacking in most of those who pontificate.

African film makers are scraping by on a mere pittance.

The greatest threat to freedom is the absence of criticism.

The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny.

The Lagos of my childhood was a well-laid-out maritime city.

Well, first of all I'll say that I come alive best in theater.

But the ultimate lesson is just sit down and write. That's all.

I have a kind of magnetic attraction to situations of violence.

I can look violence in the face and either reject or accept it.

As a global citizen, I sometimes feel like denying my identity.

I'm not fond of biographies. I don't like writing about myself.

It's the place to begin, always -- to return to home, literally.

I ceased using words like optimism and pessimism a long time ago.

We Nigerians must reclaim our sovereignty, our civic entitlements.

Suddenly the world has run amok and left you alone and sane behind

One thing I can tell you is this, that I am not a methodical writer.

You accept whoever you are interacting with, directly, or indirectly.

Writing in certain environments carries with it an occupational risk.

There's something about the theater which makes my fingertips tingle.

The writer is the visionary of his people... He anticipates, he warns.

I grew up in an atmosphere where words were an integral part of culture.

The hand that dips into the bottom of the pot will eat the biggest snail.

The media owes the responsibility to constantly tell the public the truth.

You always assume for some strange reason that you need three meals a day.

Writers - human. I shudder to think how I must sometimes appear to others.

I don't have the sort of temperament that submits to Christianity or Islam.

Governance can dig itself into a huge hole and not even know it's in there.

I have no money to give to you but I have ideas and organizational capacity.

Writers are human. I shudder to think how I must sometimes appear to others.

Some of us – poets are not exactly poets. We live sometimes – beyond the word.

The novel, for me, was an accident. I really don't consider myself a novelist.

I don't really consider myself a novelist, it just came out purely by accident.

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