I don't have any grievance against anybody.

When people are with me, who can say I am alone.

The Congress party is insignificant in our state.

As far as I am concerned, my state is my priority.

The euphoria around Modiji is also no longer there.

Implementation of promises is as important as making them.

I am not afraid of anything. God will take care of everything.

I strongly believe vengeance is not mine; it is for God to decide.

I am proud to be the son of YSR, who had left me a very big family.

The Congress is very vindictive, and they've proved it time and again.

Naidu boasts of governance but does not understand what governance means.

I never thought there would be a day when I would have to handle things without my father.

In our fight to get the SCS, we will use all forms, including protest, dialogue, and discussion, to get our goal.

Why should you construe that Congress and BJP are the only forces at the Centre? There could be third or fourth force.

I don't have power or money and one-sided media support or the inclination to stoop to any level for the sake of power.

My dad was a loyal congressman until his death. The Congress didn't respect him after his death and filed cases against me.

If the YSRCP is voted to power, agriculture sector will be given top priority. The interests of all sections of people will be protected.

I cannot throw my core values into a dustbin as some do for the sake of power and position. What kind of a politician that would make me then?

Anybody who respects democracy has to keep in mind that never in this country was a separate state carved out without a resolution being passed in the assembly.

Some issues have no solutions. If no solution comes, then you should leave it as it is. If you hit a road where you have no solution, it is best you don't touch it.

Ambati Rambabu walked with my father for 1,500 kilometres during his historic 'padayatra' before 2004 elections. It is because of the work done by activists like him that Congress won assembly elections twice.

The golden period for all the castes, including BCs, was when Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy was at the helm. An education revolution was witnessed during that period, when many students had become engineers and doctors.

In 2009, my father wanted me to join politics. I told him, 'Why should I jump into the dirt and grime of politics when I can have politicians come to me as owner of a media group?' Then my father gave me an ultimatum.

Special Category Status (SCS) is absolutely necessary for the development of the State. Without SCS, even if we take 60 years, we won't be able to develop like Hyderabad. But with SCS, development can be fast-tracked.

Post-bifurcation, I raised my voice and sat on an indefinite fast in Guntur in October 2015. Eight days into the fast, I was forcibly evicted by the police on the pretext that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was coming to Amaravati.

My party was the only party that opposed the bifurcation of the state in Parliament, and I was suspended from the House along with the other MP from my party. TDP supported and voted for bifurcation, as did the Congress and BJP. Every party barring mine voted.

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