The revolution starts at the bottom.

The more you know, the less you need.

Traveling is my form of self-education.

The more I make the more I can give away.

To do good, you actually have to do something.

Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all.

It's not an adventure until something goes wrong.

True adventure begins when everything goes wrong.

You climb to the summit and there is nothing there.

Once you educate yourself, you're left with choices.

Going back to a simpler life is not a step backwards.

Profit is what happens when you do everything else right.

How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top

Remember: if you take bivouac equipment along, you will bivouac.

It's okay to be eccentric if you're rich; otherwise you're just crazy.

Most of the damage we cause to the planet is the result of our own ignorance.

The climbing as a whole is not very esthetic or enjoyable; it is merely difficult.

You have to remember this was the '60s, when climbing was dangerous and sex was safe.

The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life; it’s so easy to make it complex.

A real capitalist knows that $10 given today does a lot more good than $100 given 10 years from now.

Going back to a simpler life based on living by sufficiency rather than excess is not a step backward.

The most important thing is to get the fish in quickly and leave it in the water. Forget the hero pose.

Mastery... is to work toward simplicity; replace complex technology with knowledge, hard work, and skill.

The word adventure has gotten overused. For me, when everything goes wrong - that's when adventure starts

You ask me about the past, you ask me about the future, the only way to be happy is to be living right now.

We're a part of nature. As we destroy nature, we destroy ourselves. It's a selfish thing to want to protect nature.

You have a whole life in the outdoors, you realize you have a sense of responsibility to protect these wild places.

But I'm really trying to run this company like it is going to be here a hundred years from now. That's what's important.

I purposely try to hire people who are really self-motivated and good at what they do, and then I just leave them alone.

Real adventure is defined best as a journey from which you may not come back alive, and certainly not as the same person.

The future of Yosemite climbing lies not in Yosemite, but in using the new techniques in the great granite ranges of the world.

At Patagonia, making a profit is not the goal because the Zen master would say profits happen 'when you do everything else right'.

The reason it was so scary was that there was only one climber capable of rescuing us, and that was Layton Kor, and he was in Colorado.

The whole purpose of an adventure is to gain some spiritual or emotional insight. When you compromise the process, you compromise the gain.

We choose to believe that the granite is alive. If life is movement, then rock - with its atoms flying around like stars in cosmos - is alive.

Everything we make pollutes. The most responsible thing we can do is to make each product as well as we know how so it lasts as long as possible.

Mainly, my job is to be on the outside and bring ideas into the company and forge change. Most people hate change—it’s threatening. I thrive on it.

The solution may be for a lot of the world's problems is to turn around and take a forward step. You can't just keep trying to make a flawed system work.

If you want to understand the entrepreneur, study the juvenile delinquent. The delinquent is saying with his actions, ‘This sucks, I’m going to do my own thing.’

There's a movement for simplifying your life: purchase less stuff, own a few things that are very high quality that last a long time, and that are multifunctional.

The goal of climbing big, dangerous mountains should be to attain some sort of spiritual and personal growth, but this won't happen if you compromise away the entire process.

I wanted to distance myself from those pasty faced corpses in suits I saw in airline magazine ads. If I was going to become a businessman, I was going to do it on my own terms.

Evil doesn’t have to be an overt act; it can be merely the absence of good. If you have the ability, the resources, and the opportunity to do good and you do nothing, that can be evil.

I'm kind of like a samurai. They say if you want to be a samurai, you can't be afraid of dying, and as soon as you flinch, you get your head cut off. I'm not afraid of losing this business.

One thing I did not want to change, even if we got serious, work had to be enjoyable on a daily basis. We all had to come to work on the balls of our feet and go up the stairs two at a time.

We took special pride in the fact that climbing rocks and icefalls had no economic value in society...We were like a wild species living in the edges of an ecosystem - adaptable, resilient and tough.

Hire extremely independent, intelligent, and passionate people, not necessarily "experts." Maybe three or four of my employees have MBAs, and those guys aren't necessarily at the top of the food chain.

The secret to happiness is to be working at your passion. If you want to be miserable, lead a desperate life like everybody else where they drag their asses to work everyday because they hate their job.

The rules of the game must be constantly updated to keep up with the expanding technology. Otherwise we overkill the classic climbs and delude ourselves into thinking we are better climbers than the pioneers.

The whole purpose of climbing something like Everest is to effect some sort of spiritual and physical gain. But if you compromise the process you’re an asshole when you start out and an asshole when you get back.

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