Vy can't ve chust climb !

I was quaking in my boots.

John Wayne never wore Lycra.

Doubt is the enemy of success.

I don't want to follow the herd.

Climbers have no sense of smell.

It is pain that ages us, not years.

We are apes - we should be climbing.

The revolution starts at the bottom.

The more you know, the less you need.

Traveling is my form of self-education.

I crushed high school. I was a huge dork.

The rock still has something to teach me.

My best vacation is your worst nightmare.

The more I make the more I can give away.

Whenever I climb I have to also entertain.

Sometimes doing the forbidden can be nice.

I see myself as a climber and an activist.

I love all people, whatever race they are.

I'm going to be climbing for my whole life.

People need to learn to live with more risk.

I took a test once; they said I was a genius.

Mountains are freedom. Treat them respectfully.

Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all.

Seeing ahead is fun. But pushing is very hard work.

Death is a gift. Without it we wouldn't value life.

You climb to the summit and there is nothing there.

If you don’t almost fail, then it wasn’t hard enough

Once you educate yourself, you're left with choices.

Going back to a simpler life is not a step backwards.

The best way to offset tension is with physical activity.

Profit is what happens when you do everything else right.

You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.

There are two kinds of climbers... smart ones and dead ones.

Bouldering is the synthesis of all skills needed for climbing

We are living in a world where everything is based on security.

Soloing is serious business, because you can be seriously dead.

Anything called the Teflon Corner is not sweet for free-soloing.

How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top

Remember: if you take bivouac equipment along, you will bivouac.

Height has nothing to do with it, it is your strength that counts.

I've gotten over my shyness from many years of doing public events.

Enlightenment isn't found with a full stomach, or on a soft pillow.

The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.

Meru is the culmination of all I've done and all I've wanted to do.

Anytime you finish a climb, there's always the next thing you can try.

It's okay to be eccentric if you're rich; otherwise you're just crazy.

I think there is a way to do things right to tread lightly on the world

Never noticed a female monkey not climbing as well as a male, have you?

The mountains are a demanding, cold place, and they don't allow for mistakes.

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