Save a tree, eat a beaver.

God just told me to shut up!

I'm the wacky one. Wacky. Wacky.

Love is selfless. The key is giving up yourself.

Lots and lots of trees together, equals big trees!

I dont usually have dreams. I'm to busy sleeping to dream.

A girlfriend? No thanks, I'd rather play nintendo and build my lego set!

Something in me wanted to find out how far I could run without stopping.

I don't tend to get girls as fans. I just get all the young guys and weirdos.

It would be nice to have radio support, not that we've ever had that much trouble with it.

It's cool to have critical success because it's always nice for your peers to say, 'Good job.' But who cares about them?

People have told me to have sex when i feel the desire to, but right now i have no desire to pull my pants down in front of a girl.

It's all about going out there, performing live, making music. But, obviously, being a guy who has thousands of screaming female fans doesn't exactly make it less fun

You may be pulling from different influences because of different things that are going on in your life, different people that are around you and more experiences to pull from.

When you become a band and you've got people who want to be a part of your experience or want to get close to you for what you are, not who you are, you have that challenge of trying to find out who's genuine.

I don't think that having a family changes the way we tour as much as it just changes the personal perspective on wanting to get finished with the tour, or the reason you've got to go out and bring home the bacon, that kind of stuff.

The real reason we ended up getting into that type of music was our dad worked for an oil company so we spent a year overseas when we were young kids. Because of that, it was all Spanish TV and radio so we ended up having these '50s and '60s tapes, tapes of that music.

We've been touring for so long and people ask me every once in a while, "What's it like working with your brothers?" and I go, "What's it like not?" Our first paying performance, I was 6 years old, you know? I almost don't know anything else, so I guess it feels pretty normal to me.

It's hard to find people to trust in the record industry, always. It's an industry with a lot of bullshit. There's a lot of people who are in positions of power that really know nothing and care for nothing. So I think, yeah, you learn pretty early on that you've really got to trust yourself more than anybody else, and that nobody's going to care about what you do more than you.

For us, being a label, we took out the whole aspect of the business that goes into sifting through people who don't care, who don't get what you're trying to do. We can just hire and work with people who get it - the people who understand what this project is about. When you're on a label, you're just hoping somebody will stick their neck out and work for you. Most bands are just like, "I hope they do it. I hope they promote it." But being a label, we know exactly what's happening.

I think for us, we don't feel like the future of music is in the act of being a record company. We feel like the future of the music business is in empowering artists to have better and better tools to communicate with their fans. We want to be people who are saying to artists, "Look, you don't need that company over there to release your album. You can do it this way." Almost more of a band partnership than a label-artist relationship. Not about ownership of content, but about empowerment.

I'm about to turn 24, but I'm probably closer to the average 34-year-old in a lot of ways. I never had the problem of, "Who am I and who do I want to be?" I've known for so long, so I think that's why getting married made sense early. And then the biggest factor is just finding really incredible women. I think that's the part about being in a band with female fans: You get to meet so many women, and you figure out pretty quick which ones stand out in the crowd and which ones are really connecting with you.

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