I fight demons.

I am intrigued by the darkness.

I focus my energy on what I believe in.

Yeah, I do enjoy having chaos in my life.

I am not a psychic medium. I am a sensitive.

The power of our conscious mind is unimaginable.

I'm not the most normal type of person there is.

I don't need a huge pit bull to tell me I'm tough.

Some of these spirits that are intelligent can harm you.

I had a full exorcism performed on me from an archbishop.

Spirits want to be heard. That's why they're not at rest.

I do have a little danger in me, a little thrill-seeking part.

The paranormal, you can't pick and choose. It's all or nothing.

People aren't quiet about their experiences with ghosts anymore.

The exorcisms I performed and conducted mainly focus on the Catholic ways.

We humans absorb a lot of negativity in this world, but dogs are pure joy.

Lighting is everything. It creates mood and has an emotional effect on you.

When you ghost hunt, you kind of time travel: you get that residue of the past.

I collect a lot of cursed objects. That's probably why I have a lot of problems.

I don't even know how people drove, back in the day, without a rear view camera.

When you feel a ghost, most people will feel chills - you're feeling the energy.

I think that everybody should go out there and test their curiosity, find a haunted place.

I discovered that what most people call creepy, scary, and spooky, I call comfy, cozy, and home.

When you are in the dark and you can't see anything, something is looking at you seeing everything

I don't deny that I get excited, but that's what happens when you're passionate about what you do.

I want to be taken out of our material world and experience something that is in another dimension.

Make those important in your life smile today That smile is the most important thing you did today.

For me, Halloween is year-round. But my Halloween is the real Halloween - dealing with the real dead.

Whenever I traveled abroad and went into these old cathedrals and churches, I would feel so peaceful.

I love a good ghost story, and I love to just get in there and really just find the truth behind these stories.

I have a possessive female spirit. I was also told I have a demonic attachment. They make me sick. They make me agitated.

'Ghost Hunters,' they like to go out and disprove everything and just wave a bunch of equipment around for a couple hours.

I'm helping the living by letting them know the spirits are here talking to us. And helping the dead by giving them a platform.

Before you begin a paranormal investigation, the most important criteria you need to gather is the back history of the location.

I'm a collector of carvings. I love old, wooden, grotesque Gothic pieces, anything that has cherubs on it, satyrs and carved angels.

You appreciate the little details in life once you realize how fragile it isYou respect the afterlife when you realize how powerful it is.

The Internet has become a breeding ground for the paranormal and being able to share evidence. I mean, there are ghost-hunting apps for your iPhone.

Some people perceive 'Ghost Adventures' to just be a ghost show on TV, but things are getting very serious, and we are making history in our findings.

I don't want the public perceiving us as the taunting, provocative ghost hunters. We do that only to the bad spirits who we know are attacking the living.

People don't understand that Las Vegas is such a small community, beyond the tourists who visit here. If you've lived here for a long time, you know everybody.

The energies are what blows my mind. They drag everything out of you, and sometimes your own soul. You really have to mentally be stable, or else you'll lose it.

I have realized that when you rescue your pet from a shelter, it is the most amazing feeling in the world how this animal changes your life by giving it a better one.

I absorb and sense energies around me at a very high level. Whether it's from living people, residual energy, objects or from spirits. I've been like this my entire life.

Depending on how I'm feeling that day or the music I'm listening to, I will pick appropriate lighting to help create the atmosphere for me. I use a lot of blues and purples.

I've had some very close encounters with the other side. They chose me to do this - I was doing this all before a TV show. They chose me to communicate with them; they chose my path as a paranormal.

I've been overexposed to so much energy - not just ghosts and spirits but residual energy - overexposing myself to locations where bad things have happened and to levels of electro-geometric energy.

When you travel like I do, just within our own country the atmosphere is different. The environment is different; the way people talk is different. The energy is different. And that's just material-wise, with the local culture.

Something happened to me at the precise moment that my grandmother died. She was three time zones away, but that didn't matter. I believe that I felt something at that moment she passed... some bit of her mortality slipping away.

I've had Ferraris; I've had Aston Martins. I've had all kinds of cars, but the thing I love about Lamborghini is that they're all-wheel drive, and when you step on the pedal, you stick to the road. You're not fishtailing all over the place.

I taunt and provoke, but you have to understand that I do that for a reason. I want to elicit a response. Remember that my mission is to capture on film and digital recording devices evidence of the paranormal. Many times, I can't do that by being nice.

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