Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.

When someone we love is having difficulty and is giving us a bad time, it's better to explore the cause than to criticize the action.

Husbands and wives, first be faithful to each other. Second, keep the romance going all of your life by courting each other every day.

Time is the only commodity we deal with which cannot be counterfeited, stolen or placed in inventory. Remember, time is irreplaceable.

We can let our past [difficulties and failures] beat us or teach us [to be more knowledgeable, competent and realistic in the future]!

The main reason for people's lack of success is their willingness to give up what they want most of all, for what they want right now!

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.

Husbands and wives, first, be faithful to each other. Second, keep the romance going all of your life by courting each other every day.

Your understanding of what you read and hear is, to a very large degree, determined by your vocabulary, so improve your vocabulary daily.

The message is clear. It is not what is happening 'out there.' It is what is happening between your ears. It's your attitude that counts.

When a company or an individual compromises one time, whether it's on price or principle, the next compromise is right around the corner.

Part of your purpose in life is to build strong and fruitful relationships with others, and your work setting is a perfect place to start.

Personal discipline, when it becomes a way of life in our personal, family, and career lives, will enable us to do some incredible things.

It will be disastrous when a leader or manager shows up with one attitude one day and treats people with a different attitude the next day.

It takes energy, mental toughness and spiritual reinforcement to successfully deal with life's opportunities, and to reach your objectives.

Whether it's eight o'clock in the morning or eight o'clock at night, I always try to greet others before they have a chance to speak to me.

Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.

Time can be an ally or an enemy. What it becomes depends entirely upon you, your goals, and your determination to use every available minute.

People always say 'Motivation is great but it doesn't last.' I just tell them, bathing does not last either, that is why I recommend it daily.

Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there. Make motivation a habit and you will get there more quickly and have more fun on the trip.

If you will be hard on yourself, life will be easy on you. But if you insist upon being easy on yourself, life is going to be very hard on you.

For 24 years of my adult life, by choice I weighed well over 200 lbs. I say by choice because you see I have never accidentally eaten anything.

What you picture in your mind, your mind will go to work to accomplish. When you change your pictures you automatically change your performance

Have an attitude of gratidude and you will have more to be grateful for; have a complaining spirit and you will attract more to complain about.

I'm not in the speech making business. I'm not in the seminar business. I'm not in the writing book business. I'm in the changing lives business.

I'm a constant learner. You need to be a constant student because things change and you have to change and grow. And I emphasize the word 'grow'.

With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.

I'm a constant learner. You need to be a constant student because things change and you have to change and grow. And I emphasize the word 'grow.'

Today is the tomorrow you were optimistic about yesterday. What are you doing today to make tomorrow as rewarding as you had hoped today would be?

If my life has had a theme, I suppose it has been a typical American theme in that, for most of it, I have been looking for happiness and success.

We hear tears loudly on this side of Heaven. What we don't take time to contemplate are the even louder cheers on the other side of death's valley.

We need to understand the difference between discipline and punishment. Punishment is what you do to someone; discipline is what you do for someone.

It's our responsibility to see to it that the good outweighs the evil and I am convinced beyond a doubt that today's Americans will do exactly that!

The basic goal-reaching principle is to understand that you go as far as you can see, and when you get there you will always be able to see farther.

Check the records; there has never been an undisciplined person who was a champion. Regardless of the field of endeavor, you'll find this to be true.

A pleasing personality helps you win friends and influence people. Add character to that formula, and keep those friends and maintain that influence.

The more bitter the desert experience, the sweeter the water of the oasis. The more I understand myself, the more effectively I can work with others.

Once you learn to do something consciously, you can move it into the subconscious and do it well. Everything you do well will be done subconsciously.

Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.

Since belief determines behavior, doesn't it make sense that we should be teaching ethical, moral values in every home and in every school in America?

If you have the character to hang in there when its tough, you will develop or acquire every other characteristic necessary to WIN in the game of life.

When you choose to be pleasant and positive in the way you treat others, you have also chosen, in most cases, how you are going to be treated by others.

Success is not measured by what you do compared to what somebody else does. Success is measured by what you do compared to what you are capable of doing.

The best way to raise positive children in a negative world is to have positive parents who love them unconditionally and serve as excellent role models.

Everyone, including you, just naturally feels better when exposed to a cheerful, optimistic individual, regardless of the nature or length of the contact.

It's not where you start or even what happens to you along the way that's important. What is important is that you persevere and never give up on yourself.

Did you know that every human being is created with a purpose and that they have a responsibility to not only discover their purpose but also to fulfill it?

A positive attitude and personal motivation allow you to remain excited about what you are doing - no matter how difficult the challenges may be day to day.

As youngsters, my mother taught her children that while we might not be the smartest people around, we could be courteous, polite and considerate of others.

Kids instinctively know - although they will argue to the contrary - that they really are not mature enough to make good decisions on some important issues.

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